Day 5?

5 0 0

Ik I just put days based on the days I update, rather than based on the actual number of days since I've started.

Not doing too bad, lost 2lbs so far and im trying to stay true to this even though my world is crazy right now. Have been trying my best to not stress eat. I have been eating only whole foods this week.

Anything that is available that is not processed and also I've been doing intermittent fasting as well.

I'm in such a weird place mentally but you know, trying my best.

Also,  I forgot how great eating good tastes. I literally no longer miss fast food because I crave the yummy healthy stuff  now and to make things better, I feel great after eating great. Makes me realize I didn't really like the junk I was eating if I'm being honest with myself.

Since eating healthier, whole and mostly plant based foods I have been feeling a little more like myself. Oh how I've missed her!

For breakfast I had a fruits nuts mix
For lunch, a Quinoa salad with bell peppers and cucumbers plus chickpea curry. Snack was banana chips and then I had two dinners, a porridge and a soup. Lol, ik. But not bad and within portion.

The salad was sooo good, let me know if the recipe is needed.

How is your progress so far?

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