You Would Think - Tormund

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Tormund x Fem!reader Lannister

Warnings: GOT

Word count: 677

Summary: With Tyrion and Jaime now both in Winterfell before the big battle, Jaime has deserved how grown up their little sister has become.

Authors Note: "Game Of Thrones" is a warning all in its self. Reader and Tormund don't talk in this one. It's more characters watching them interact. I will have imagines where they talk!

P.S - I plan on making maybe a short series like this imagine and others like this one. I like the over all story idea.

Also ~ So this is not the first story I wrote for Game Of Thrones but it is the first one I completely finished and typed.

"I am pleased that Daenerys and Sansa let you stay." Tyrion smiled at his brother as the older Lannister male came to stand next to him on the balcony over looking the entrance to Winterfell.

"So am I." Jaime gave a nod of agreement. Glancing around Jaime couldn't find one person he had yet to see. "Where's our little sister?"

Tyrion smiled, knowing that he would ask that sooner rather than later. Jaime and Y/n had a really close relationship till Cersei felt threatened and Y/n had to flee for her life. "This way."

Tyrion lead the knight over to a different over looking balcony, looking over a different part of Winterfell. Upon looking down both Lannisters immdedtly took notice of their sister. Although Jaime noticed how close she seemed to be standing, and touching a giant red haired man.

"Who's that?" Jaime asked his little brother.

"That dear brother is Tormund Gaintsbane." Tyrion answered him. Upon hearing the name and Tyrion suspected seeing the clothes he put it together.

"A wildling." Jaime stated, squaring his shoulders. They had all grown up with the stories of Wildlings. They aren't good or nice stories.

"They prefer Free Folk." Tyrion corrected with a tilt of his head.

Jaime gave a faint sound of acknowledgement before pointing down to their sister and the 'Free Folk' before asking. "Are they-"

"Together? Yes, our little sister is growing up." Tyrion was as shocked as jaime is when he first found out about Y/n's relationship. And with who, was a bigger shock. His mind had to work overtime to catch up with Y/n's adventures and changes when they were reunited.

"Seem's she already has." Jaime spoke after taking a deep breath. She was so young when she left and they were so close. Now it was like he didn't know her at all and that killed him on the inside.

"And she found love in the process." Tyrion found that detail to be a comforting factor, but he could tell the protective older brother was coming out of Jaime. "Don't worry. He'd die for her."

"How could you know that?" Jaime furrowed his brow confused at how his brother could possibly know that.

"He's said as much. The Free Folk don't hold back. They speak what they feel and think. And he's said as much, and he's made his intentions with our sister very clear." Tyrion squinted his eyes at the memories of hearing Tormund's thoughts of their sister. Things he never wanted to know, but it was nice to know he never planned on letting harm come to her.

Before Jaime could press for details that he probably would regret asking for, down below one of the banner men decided to grab at Y/n's butt and said some pretty provocative words towards her.

Ser Davos had walked over to Tyrion as they all caught the scene. "Oh he should not have done that."

"What?" Jaime glanced towards Ser Davos at his comment before returning his gaze onto his sister.

Jon Snow had come over along with Ser davos and who better to explain to the Kingslayer than Tormunds good friend. "That Bannerman shouldn't have done that to your sister. I've known Tormund for awhile now and Y/n. No one disrespects her, and if you do your asking for a death sentance. Espeacilly if you do it infront of Tormund."

With that said the 4 men watch as Tormund looked to Y/n and with a nod from her Tormund knocked the man on his ass. It was obvious that he looked to Y/n for permission and to see id she wanted to do it herself.

Jaime admired that Tormund let Y/n decide. He respects her.

"You would think they'd learn by now." Tyrion shook his head of the stupidity that men posses.

"Hmm. Either she'll get you or he will." Ser Davos hummed in agreement with the imp. You would think after seeing what the couple could do, they would think before they acted.

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