Propersituations Part #1 - Robb Stark

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Part 1


Rob x fem!reader Targaryen

Warnings: GOT

Word count: 810

Summary: Y/n and her sister Daenerys have decided to possibly help Robb Stark with his war. But will he accept the terms?

Authors Note: I really love this concept and will probably do more like it in the future.

Taking another piece of land from the Lannister army wasn't easy. Espeacially when Robb found himself on his back with a sword coming down towards his chest, ready to impale him.

When suddenly out of the blue a sword stuck out of the soldiers chest. As he fell Robb stood up and noticed his savior was a woman on horseback. He gave her a nodd of appreciation and she returned it. After the exchange the two continued to keep fighting.

Once the battle was over and the North had taken more territory Robb looked around searching for the woman that had saved his life.

Upon spotting her he noticed that she was actually heading his way on her horse. Once she was infront of him Robb nodded in thanks from earlier. "Thanks. I owe you my life."

The woman smiled down at him. "Just win the War young wolve."

"Who are you?" He asked stunned by the woman infront of him. She saved his life and she was stunning in her beauty. Why was this gorgeous woman on the battle field.

"Y/n. Y/n Targaryen." Y/n spoke as she got off her horse. That's when Robb noticed the small baby dragon on her shoulder.

"Targaryen?" Robb questioned shocked at hearing the name that was thought to have been extincted till as of late. The hair and dragon were shocking factors as well.

"Yes." She nodded in confirmation, as she got off her horse gracefully. She was sure her name in Westeros was mind blowing.

"Explains the hair." He joked with a friendly smile.

"And your a Stark. Explains the Direwolf." Y/n teased back smiling at his nice break of the ice and lighten the mood. The way she smiled towards Greywind told Robb she truly wasn't afraid of the Direwolf. But then again she had a dragon, why would she be afraid.

"I've heard of your sister. And you." Robb said as the both of them walked throng the once battle field.

"Most have." She commented looking around at all the remains. Most seemed to be lannister army whihc was good for the North she thought.

"Why'd you save me?" Robb asked her stopping the both of them from walking. He knew she wasn't there when the fight had started. She must of shown up in the middle of it and decided to help out. It seemed to him that she had brought some men of her own with her. So was her intent to come and help? Why was she here? Last he heard her and her sister were across the sea.

"I'd like to help you win. Become King of the North." Y/n told him flat out her reasons. Y/n had heard of what was going on in Westeros where her and her sister were. She wanted to help.

"In exchange for?" Robb knew that couldn't be it. There had to be a motive, something her and her sister would get in exchange.

"Smart of you to assume there's a catch young King." She smiled proudly at his quick mind. "My sister wants to take her rightful spot on the Iron Throne. I hear you don't want it. So. My propersituation is you stay King of the North, but under my sister Daenerys."

Robb listened ti her propersituation and it wasn't a bad one he'd admit. But what else besides the North would he get out of this?

"An what do I get out of this besides the North?" he questioned curious to know it there's more.

"We help you wim. We have the numbers." y/n told him clasping her hand together infront of her. She could tell he was skeptical and she would be to.

"How do I know you and your sister won't turn on me and mine?" Robb narrowed his eye's watching her carefully to see if her body language would give anything away. But she seemed completely open and honest.

"We don't break our promises to people but if you wish to have a more solid agreement. What do you propose?" She offered this opening to bring trust between them. If he came up with a reasonable thing to add for this to work then Y/n could hopefully make it work.

Even thought it was Robbs idea to add something for a better, stronger Alliance, but he didn't have anything off the top of his head. "How about you stay with us for awhile and we can discuss it?"

Y/n smiled giving him a nod of thanks and respect. He'd rather think of a good agreement then something on the spot. "I'd be honored."

Robb nodded back with a matching smile. "The honors all mine."

This way they could come up with something together that they both agree upon and he could get to know her.

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