Propersituations Part #2 - Robb Stark

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Part 2


Rob x fem!reader Targaryen

Warnings: GOT

Word count: 1,133

Summary: Y/n's stayed with Robb for awhile now and it's time for her to go back to Dany and tell her what he's decided. Has Robb got something in mind?

Authors Note: Here's part 2! I'm sure some of you know where this is going... But if you don't enjoy and enjoy if you do enjoy. I've loved writing for "Game of Thrones". So expect more!!! (maybe a part 3? With Her going back to Daenerys and tell her)

"How are you enjoying your stay with us, Milady?" Robb asked after all the other Lords and his mother had left his tent. It had been two moons since they first met and they had gotten to know each other quite well. The two would consider each other friends.

"It's been quite enjoyable your Grace." Y/n smiled walking over to be closer to him.

Robb shook his head at her addressing of him. Not wanting their to be a title for him from her. "Please just call me Robb."

"Then please Robb just call me Y/n." She wanted the same as him between them. No formalitles, just friendship.

"I'm sorry we don't have better accommodations for your stay." He told her with a apologetic look. Robb wanted to empress her but he lacked the situation to do so.

Y/n shook her head with a wave of her hand. "Your in the middle of a war. Don't apologize for things out of your control."

Given the circumstances Y/n appreciated the sentiment but he didn't need to apologize for something out of his control, he had provided her with a lot and he didn't have to.

"I've appreciated your wisdom in the war meetings since you've joined us." Robb spoke changing the subject with a tilt of his lips up at the corners at the recent memories.

"I'm honored you want me to attend them." She was grateful that he seemed to value her opinion. That was rare for a woman.

"I quite enjoy your take on things. Your view." He smirked as he told her. She had no fear of speaking her mind in a room full of opinionated men. "And how you can put any man in his place."

Y/n smirked tilting her head with humor written in her eyes. "I'm sure I could beat them in battle as well, but we are on the same side."

Robb laughed but he nodded in agreement not putting it past her. He's seen her fight, Robb doesn't doubt her words. "I'm sure you could."

Y/n's expression turned solem for knowing her next words. She had grown fond of the blue eyed man infornt of her. "My time here is coming to a close Robb Stark. I must return to my sister with an answer on my propersitaution."

Robb knew this would happen at some point. It saddened him but she couldn't stay forever. So with a sad smile he stated. "I will miss your company."

"And I will miss yours." She stated as they mirrored eachothers expressions. But she needed an answer. They had talked about acouple options but never settled on anything. Y/n felt the finale decision was up to him. "Do tell me, what should I tell my sister. Do we have an agreement?"

Robb looked off to the side at nothing impictualr in thought, before looking foreward to her again. "I told you when you first saved my life and asked if we would have an alliance that I was worried about it breaking at some point."

"Yes." Y/n hopes he'll take the offer of their help, but that depended on what he had in mind to add to the terms. They had the numbers to help him win this war, he does not. Wihtout their help he will lose, and probably make deals he will regret. They had gotten close she hoped it was something she could agree to or work with. "Have you come to a solution?"

Robb had made up his mind, now he just had to see if she'd agree.

"I have a proposal to secure an alliance between our sides, families, armys, and houses." Robb gulped, hoping that he wouldn't offend her and that his crush on her was reciprocated. "A marriage between you and me."

"Marriage?" Y/n raised her eyebrows in shock. She did not see that one coming. But through all the emotions she was feeling she wasn't disgusted or disappointed.

"I understand if it seem's fast, very fast. But over the course of the time I have gotten to know you I have fallen in love with you. I would be honored to be your husband, to call you my wife. My Queen of the North." Robb lifted his hand to wrap around her waist. Sure he was asking to marry her out of making an alliance, thats how most marriages between highborns went. But t least this one would also be for love, and that was more then most could ask for.

Yes, he had been wary of her to begin with. Their wasn't many stories that told good traits of Targaryen's, and with her father having been the 'Mad King' he had reason to worry. But she had proved how different she was from her father and thats what mattered to Robb.

Y/n stood there thinking it over his proposal. There was pro's and con's to it, but Y/n enjoyed Robb's company and he was handsome. Being married to him was her choice and she had fallen in love with him too while being in Westeros.

"I accept. I have gotten to know you as well Robb Stark, and I would be honored to be your wife. I'd love to have you as my husband." Y/n smiled at him grabbing his free hand and lacing their fingers together and raised her other to rest around the back of his neck. She but her lip at the excitement building up in her stomach.

"I love you." Robb smiled brightly pulling her into a kiss, showing his love for her through it.

"And I you." Y/n giggled as they came apart for air. Blushing and looking from his eyes to his lips and back. "You do know I still have to leave. I have to inform my sister of our agreement and now engagement."

"Let me go with you." he wanted to meet her sister, her family. Prove he was worthy of her and would care for her, he wasn't a sleezy man that offered marriage for disgusting reasons. Plus he didn't want to be away from her.

"You have a war to fight, men to lead. You can't leave. But I'll be back soon. I promise." Y/n found it sweet that he didn't want to leave her side but he had a duty to his men, to the North, and to his sisters. His family. Which herself and her sister would soon be apart of.

"I'll be counting the days." Robb leaned his forehead against hers, letting out a sigh. Reluctantly he knew she was right, he couldn't afford to leave for that long and go with her.

But they'd be together again soon and Robb would be waiting.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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