Challenge - Jaime Lannister

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Jaime x Fem!reader Tyrell

Warnings: GOT

Word count: 526

Summary: Jaime's only showed Y/n what everyone says about him and his family. That's not going to win her over.

Authors Note: I read an imagine with a similar idea and I want to make something similar to it.

"Are you following me, Ser Jaime?" Y/n asked having noticed her seemingly constant shadow.

"Now why would you think that?" He questioned back, deciding to join her since she had caught him. He had followed her wondering what she did all the time when she disappeared into the city.

"Because everywhere I seem to turn." She answered glancing over to him for a second before turning her attention foreward again, handing a little wooden horse to the child infront of her with a smile. "You're there." Y/n finished watching the child run off smiling.

"Maybe we just so happen to have the same interests." Jaime shrugged his shoulders, and started following her through the streets of Kings Landing.

Y/n scoffed at his words. "Taking care of the lower born people doesn't sound like a Lannister thing to do. Defifently not an interest of yours, I'm sure."

"What makes you say that?" he asked with furrowed brows. Jaime felt a little offended at her statement.

"Flashing your Lannister gold at all your problems may be the main reason." Y/n said with an agitated tone, that's all he had shown her since she'd been there to see if a marriage between them to unite their respective houses would work. And it made her mad.

Jaime nodded reluctantly. That is what he had shown her, that's normally what other lady's fawned over. But apparently Y/n Tyrell was different. "I will admit that is all I have shown you, yes."

"If you want me to think differently about you then show me." Her words made him stop in his tracks and look at her, with his mouth slightly open in his shock. Y/n took a deep breath softing the look in her eyes before she continued. "Show me who you truly are. She me what lie's beneath what you show to the world. Show me the true Jaime Lannister."

Y/n continued walking as Jaime stood in place thinking about her words. It didn't take him long to make up his mind. He couldn't deny that of what he's seen he did really enjoy Y/n's presence and being married to her could actually be an enjoyable existence. Maybe even more than just enjoyable.

"I accept." He said after a moment of thought, stopping her in her tracks.

"Excuse me?" She turned around upon hearing him confused at his choice of words.

"I accept the challenge to show you who I truly am." Jaime he smiled at her, confident in his decision.

Y/n laughed shaking her head in amusement. "It wasn't meant to be a challenge."

"Oh, but I'm taking it as one." Jaime smirked as he walked over to her. He planned on proving to her that he wasn't who he's been showing her he is. Raising his arms out to the side smiling brightly. "I'll prove to you I am more than what I've showed you."

Y/n smiled at the blonde and nodded back excited to see the real him, and amused at what possible ways he will use to show her the real him. "I look forward to it."

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