Better Man - Jaime Lannister

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Jaime x fem!reader ! Stark

Warnings: GOT

Word count: 1, 037

Summary: Before the battle against the white walkers Jaime has a long time coming conversation with Y/n.

Authors Note: I honestly wrote this as I was watching the show and this was the first Game of Thrones imagine I wrote (its not the first to be posted). I honestly don't know where I planned this to take place so I put it towards the end of the series.

P.s - I didn't watch the show as it was premiering live but I watched it for the first time in October 2022 and I finished it in 2 weeks. I loved it, great show. I was sad that each season only had 10 episodes or less.

"You're quite the knife thrower, Lady Stark." Jaime stated as he strutted over to her. They weren't that far outside the walls of Winterfell, but they were alone.

"And I hear you're quite the swordsman, Ser Jaime." Y/n replied picking up another knife, he had startled her when he spoke. It had been dead silent before he spoke, but she didn't show that he had startled her.

Jaime nodded with a cocky smirk. "My reputation precedes me."

"I would hope not all of it." Y/n said looking at him, noticing his expression fall at her words. "Well, people don't have the nicest things to say about you, your personality or your family."

Jaime squinted his eyes before nodding, but he decided to lighten the mood with his answer. "Personality? I presumed I didn't have one."

He to had heard the rumors that she spoke of so he knew what she meant with her words.

Y/n laughed at his response, at least he could joke about it. Then again he was use to insults by now, wasn't he?

"As for my family, I'm not my father or siblings." He spoke again, approaching her step by step. Once he was right in front of her he leaned in and spoke seductively. "How about you make up your own mind about me?"

The two of them always seemed to flirt in each other's company, but it could never go far and they never had the time to really get to know each other either.

"I'd love to, but we never seem to have the time now do we?" Y/n decided to tease him, even though it did hold truth. When had they ever had the time? For yours it was one thing after another.

"I would make the time-" Jaime went to answer but she cut him off before he could finish.

"I don't think your sister would appreciate that." Y/n gave him a sad smug expression.

"Cersei doesn't control me." He growled lowly.

"But doesn't she?" Y/n raised her eyebrows at his reply. She knows what she's seen with her own eyes, he can't argue that.

Jaime shook his head and pointed out. "Not since the war of the five kings."

Y/n tilted her head recounting the time a few years ago he recalled. Was this really suppose to help his case? "You mean since my brother took you prisoner and my mother broke you free?"

As much as Jaime could agree hearing her tone that it wasn't the best thing he could've brought up. But it did play to his point so he stated. "I spent over a year away from her and the rest of my family. That's quite a lot of time to contemplate."

Y/n would admit that he was away from his family who she believed was the reason for his bad traits and actions were beneficial for the man in front of her. She could see the changes in him by just looking at him. Because she truly looked at him. She looked past his exterior and looked at the man inside.

"I can see it in your eyes." Y/n nodded in agreement with his statement. Which shocked and puzzled Jaime. "You are a changed man. You're not the man I first met in Winterfell. You're better. You are a better man now."

Jaime looked down, having a hard time believing her words. No one ever believed in him as much as the woman in front of him and she barely knew him. "I don't know about that."

Y/n could see how much he doubted himself, and that saddened her. But it didn't shock her, the Lannisters did not seem to be an encouraging family.

"But I do." Y/n stated, the tone she used compelled Jaime to look into her eyes. She stated her belief in him so strongly and without a doubt, it made his heart clench. But in a good, emotional way. "I do. But even with that said as long as Cersei has a hold over you, there will never be a chance for us."

If she was honest Y/n wanted him to chase them. Give them the chance to be together that they both so obviously wanted. But he had to make the decision himself, she couldn't for him.

Y/n gave him a sad smile before moving around him to walk back to Winterfell, having stelfed the knives back on her belt the only thing she was leaving behind was a charming Lannister that didn't seem to know what he wanted in life.

"Say the words." Jaime spoke before she could get to far, turning on his feet and facing her.

"What?" Y/n stopped and turned towards him confused at his random choice of words.

Jaime took her confusion as his opening, he walked over to her, his face all serious. Shocking Y/n with the words that came out of his mouth. "Say the words and I'll stay. Say the words and I'm yours. Only yours, forever."

"And what words would that be exactly?" Y/n questioned nervously, she wanted to believe he was serious. But that depended on what words he meant.

Jaime wrapped his handless arm around her waist and leaned his forehead against hers.Gently running his other hand, the only hand he had left that was flesh and bone across her cheek. "You know the words." He whispered, hoping she knew. If she felt the same as him she'll know he thought.

Y/n felt like her heart was going to beat out of her chest. Looking up into his pleading eyes she said the words that they have wanted to say for years to each other. "I love you."

Jaime smiled, relieved that she did truly feel the same. Jaime pulled her into a sweet passionate kiss that should've happened years ago. There was nowhere he'd rather be. As their kiss continued Y/n wrapped her arms around his neck, enjoying the kiss just as much as him. Pulling back so they could both get air, Jaime smiled genuinely happy for the first time in years. "I love you too."

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