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POV Change: Kirito

I shouldn't have run...

Not when I have a bullet wound in my gut...

But I couldn't face them anymore...

I couldn't face her anymore...

Not after what I just did...

I didn't have to kill him...

But I did...

I stabbed him as if he were a mob on one of the 100 floors of Aincrad...

It's my fault he was like that again anyway...

If I had just left Asada alone, I would never have developed feelings for her...

That way, he wouldn't have...


Shut up...

It's not your fault...

It's his fault...

But even still...

I didn't have to kill him...

And I did...!

Without even realizing it, I ended up tripping on something and falling to the ground. I tried to get up, but I could feel my strength leaving my body and my life bleeding out of the hole Kyouji made in my stomach. This was it. I am going to die. At least.....

I'll die knowing that Shino and Argo are safe.


I'm sorry.....



"Hey look! I found somebody!" I heard somebody shout and I felt myself getting weaker. Before I knew it, somebody was touching my neck, until I heard them shout, "I feel a pulse!" Before I knew it, somebody began to carry me in bridal style, I guess. I'll admit, it isn't a pleasant feeling to be held that way or carried. How Asuna liked it when we used to date, I'll never know.

But I do know that I ended up blacking out, believing I had finally died.....

Instead..... I ended up waking up in some apartment room. Somebody must have been living in the room still, as apartment rooms these last three months have been abandoned as people who aren't capable of fighting were evacuated. As I started leaning up, my hearing must have come back to me, as I heard multiple voices come in from the living room. I'd then turn my attention toward the window in the bedroom, where I saw that the sun was rising. I didn't know what time it was, and Yui wasn't here with me....

Knowing her, she's probably flying around the city now, looking for me...

That's if Shino got back to the others last night.

"It seems you're awake now." A masculine voice called me out of my thoughts. I turned my attention toward the one I'll assume saved me. At first, I didn't know who he was until I saw his cowboy hat. His player ID was Dyne. I've seen him a few times in GGO when I got on with Shino from time to time.

Dyne asked me how I was doing and how my wound was. When he reminded me that I was shot last night, I felt my stomach start to ache in pain again, so I removed the covers that were on top of me, seeing that my coat and shirt were removed, and I had several bandage wraps around my stomach, now red from my blood. Dyne told me I was lucky enough that the bullet didn't hit anything important; otherwise, I would have died. Before I knew it, the rest of Dyne's crew would enter the room. The only person I knew in his small squad was Ginrou, and Ginrou somewhat reminded me of a young Klein, except worse. The last time I saw Ginrou, I punched him in the face for hitting on Shino AND hitting on me in GGO...

Dyne's squad would introduce themselves to me. Dyne went first, then Ginrou. There was Gima, he had more of a more relaxed personality. Tadashi is, a little hot-headed, but he means well. And lastly, Ayumi; must have been new to the group. Shino and I guess myself were the only girls in Dyne's squad the last time I was on. From the group's expressions, they thought they and Argo were the only ones who awoke in this world in their game avatars. I guess there is barely anyone who woke up like this...

We really could use help with these monsters and robots that are still swarming the streets. Before I knew it, Gima had asked which game my avatar came from. I responded with just a typical sword MMO. Luckily enough, they didn't press any further. Eventually, Ayumi would ask for my name, or, I should say, my player ID.

Of course, I got the expected reaction from the group when I told them I was Kirito. Ginrou was apologizing for hitting on me back in GGO. Tadashi at first didn't believe me, but eventually, he did when I told them about the mission we did together on GGO a few months before this mess. Ayumi would then ask if I had a place to go. I wanted to say yes, but I then remembered what happened last night.

I couldn't face the others...

I couldn't face Shino.....

Not yet...

Probably never...

Either way, I told them I didn't and that I was alone.

And with those words said, I was invited to join their squad.....

I sat there speechless...

Dyne had spoken the same words that Keita had said back in Aincrad when he invited me to join him and the Moonlit Black Cats...


Maybe this time...

It'll be different...?

But what if...


Don't think that...

It'll come true...

But still...

I told Dyne that I'd think about it and that I'd be out of his squad's hair soon. I thanked them for saving me before I got up from the bed, putting my shirt, coat, and swords back on. Dyne respected my choice and left the room, with Gima and Tadashi following him from behind. Ginrou would then ask if I saw Sinon around, and I told him, "No."

All Ginrou did was nod his head before leaving the room. Ayumi would bow to me before following Ginrou, leaving me alone in the room. I looked out the window to see that this building had emergency stairs on the side. After giving it thought, I silently said my goodbyes to Dyne's squad before leaving through the window.

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