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Nicks POV

I was editing a Video for tomorrow and I was slowly running out of time. As my eyes trailed to the clock then back at the computer ever minute. The clock ticking was haunting me as every tick make me a lot more anxious.

Im not going to get this done. I have 20 minutes until the video goes live and I've only edited 20 minutes of it and it's a hour video.

I started panicking and aggressively tapping the keys on my computer as I tried to hurry up. Nothing was working. It's never working.

I rushed into Matts room and him and Matt were laying on the bed. "Guys the video I don't think I'll get it done in time" I said. "What?! Nick we can't mess up our schedule there's 12k people waiting for this!" Matt said.

"GO. TRY EDIT YOUR OUR EDITOR YOUR GOING TO GET IT DONE" Chris shouted. I left the room and sat back down.

Anxiety crippling up my body as sweat started pouring down my forehead I didn't know what to do. Their words repeated in my head and I couldn't do it anymore.

I tried to edit faster but I needed this to be high quality. "NICK IS IT DONE YET?" I heard Chris asked "NO" I said. "HURRY THE FUCK UP YOUR RUNNIN OUT OF TIME" he shouted as he walked off.

I pulled my hair out of frustration. "Nick c'mon bro hurry up" Matt said. I pulled my hair tighter as their words repeated in my head. Tears started coming down my face as I felt defeated.

I stood up and punched the wall with my knuckles all bloody and my knee bouncing up and down. I physically didn't know what to do.

Matt and Chris came running up and just looked at the hole in the room. Matt noticed how anxious I was and out a hand on my knee. "Breathe it's alright" he said but I couldn't this NEEDED to be done.

Although my brothers were next to me I still was stressing out about this video. "NICK" Chris shouted getting my attention. "Calm the fuck down okay? Just focus on your breathing" he said but I didn't listen. 

Chris took the computer off me "fucking word Nick listen to Matt" Chris told me. I was covered in sweat as tears ran down my face "Nick your okay alright?" Matt said.

I saw Chris editing the video and felt really bad that's not his job...Matt kept telling me everything was okay and soon I calmed down but there was still a hole in my room.

"Anddd done!" Chris said closing the computer and putting it back.

I got up and hugged Chris "Thank you..." I said as Matt joined in "thank you both..." I said.

We all looked at the hole in my wall and laughed.

Nick angst Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now