Nicks POV:I woke up I wish I didn't. Everything seems so exhausting lately. My rooms a mess but I can't be bothered to clean it,I don't even have the energy to get out of bed. I've literally been rotting in my bed for the past week.
Matt and Chris have been with Mom I feel disgusting. I heard them come through the door but they came rushing up to me,Chris just looked around. "You need to clean this room" Chris said "I know" I said but Matt didn't seem to care he just had concern on his face.
"Matt I'm fine" I said "no your fucking not. When was the last time you ate? When was the last time you got out of bed? When was the last time you had a shower?" He asked crossing his arms. "Matt I'm fine none of that matters" I said trying to smile.
"Yeahhhh it stinks in here I'm leaving" Chris said leaving me and Matt in the room. "I'm getting you something to eat" he said "no no no I'm fine! I ate earlier" I said. He just looked at me.
"Yeah like I'm gonna believe that. Nick you look weak and sick." Matt said sitting next to me,I just looked at him. "Nick what on earth happened while we were gone?" Matt asked "Nothing I promise everything's fine I'm just not that hungry" I explained.
He nodded. "Well if anything is happening please tell us we're not gonna be mad we'll help you and try to understand the problem more okay?" Matt said I nodded as he left the room.
"NICKKKK WE GOTTA FILMMMN" Chris said dragging me out of bed and out to the car. "Nick are you alright?" Matt asked laughing "Stupid bitch" I said laying my head on the window,Matt started driving and Chris started yapping.
"Please shut the fuck up your voice is going to make me cut my ears off" I said he just turned around and hit me. "Kid your the one who's sitting there all depressed I wouldn't be talking" he said as he kept yapping.
"CHRIS CAN YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP" I shouted getting annoyed. "KID. YOUR THE ONE WHOS STARTING EVERYTHING" Chris shouted,Matt just slammed his foot on the breaks. "RIGHT BOTH OF YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP. IM TIRED OF THIS. NICK YOUR GOING TO GO BACK TO BED AND CHRIS YOUR GONNA STAY WITH ME" Matt shouted turning the car around.
I out my headphones in and just ignored their shouts at me. We soon pulled into the driveway and I threw the car door open and ran to my room. I locked the door and curled up onto the bed as tears spilled out of my eyes.
"FUCK" I shouted throwing things to the floor. I stared at the shattered glass on my floor,I picked up a shard of glass and placed it across my skin. I hissed at the pain then smiled as the cuts grew deeper every time.
I started feeling dizzy and everything was slowly going black...
Matts POV
Nick ran up to his room and I just looked at Chris. "You stay downstairs." I stated as he sat on the couch. I walked up to his door and tried to u lock the door but it was locked. "Nicky...if your not going to come out your room just know if you need to talk I'm here sweetheart" I said walking downstairs to where Chris was chugging a Pepsi.
"What happened today?" I asked sitting next to him "Nick was being so fucking moody and if he didn't wanna go out with us he should've fucking said. He pisses me off so much" Chris said.
"Alright I understand that...but we left him alone for a whole week...we don't know what's happened I don't think anyone texted him or visited him" I explained.
Chris just looked down. "I know...he don't look well Matt...honestly I'm scared terrified actually..." Chris said,I put my hand on his shoulder. "I know kid I know..." I said "can we go check on him?" Chris asked "sure!" I said leading him upstairs.
"Sweetie? Could you open the door?" I knocked as I asked gently. Nothing. I started jamming the door I was about to give up until I bursted open. We saw Nick passed out with glass in his hand and dried blood followed by cuts on his arms.
Chris bursted into tears and I just picked Nick up and laid him on his bed. "C-Chris...he's so light..." I said hugging Chris,he just looked at Nick and he looked ill. "This was all one even wanted to come round...? This was why his room is messy...why he hasn't eaten...why he's been in a bad mood...because of depression..." Chris said looking over at Nick.
Nick soon woke up and I rushed to his side. "N-Nick..." I said as I wrapped my arms around him,pulling him onto my lap. He started crying and I just held him. "Shhhh it's okay sweetheart..." I said Chris started cleaning nicks cuts and I just smiled at him.
"C-Chris you don't h-have to do t-this..." Nick stuttered. "Yes I do." Chris stated wrapped bandages around nicks arm. I rubbed nicks back as he continued crying. "Nick calm down okay? Let's take some deep breaths alright?" I said.
Nick calmed down and sat in between me and Chris. I was holding one of nicks hand and Chris was holding the other. "Thank you..." he said,me and Chris smiled.
"Nick do you wanna go see mom?" I asked "But would she wanna me...?" Nick asked "sweetie of course she would your her son" Chris said grabbing nicks hand and taking him to the car.
I drove to moms and Nick looked really nervous. "Sweetheart...everything's gonna be fine c'mon" I said holding out my hand as Chris held out his. We walked in and mom just stared then embraced us in a hug.
Mom saw the bandages hanging from nicks arms,she took his hand the just looked at his arm. "Dear...what's this?" She asked looking at him with tears in her eyes,Nick was looking at me and Chris for an anwser but we couldn't give it her.
"S-sorry m-mom..." Nick broke down in her arms "Baby calm down...right promise that you'll talk to me,Matt,Chris your dad or Justin if you ever feel like this again...?" Mom said to Nick. He nodded.
"Now you guys wanna stay for dinner? Nick you need food" mom said seating us at the table. Mom gave Chris a Pepsi me a root beer and Nick Dr Pepper. I feel like this is the best I've ever felt because nicks smiling mom passed us some food and Nick just stared at it.
"Sweetheart your body needs food okay? Starving it for a week isn't healthy so it deserves food okay?" I said rubbing his back as he started eating.
Nick was back. He was making jokes and laughing. We had him back. All he needed was me and Chris...we really do mean a lot to him dont we?