GMH 34

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He wanted to jump and down the bed. Scream at the top of his lungs in glee because there's no way Wooyoung had just confidently asked him out like that. Something San would have done a long time ago just that he didn't want to push things and make the other feel pressured.

"Are you being serious?"San rolled off of him to sit up.

Wooyoung smiled and followed but not without a slight scrunch of pain on his face. "Yes I am San-ah."

"But...people are going to know. Are you ready for that?"

"It's a little too late for that after how we left the yard earlier don't you think?"

"Yeah but I could just come up with an excuse or something. You don't have to..."

Wooyoung reached his hands out to cup his face."San. I want you. I love you. All my life I've done nothing but hide in the shadow of my father. My anxiety. My scars. It's all I've ever done but I'm sick and tired of it. I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing this for me. For us. You've been so good to me and never does a day go by that I'm not thankful you talked to me the first day you met me."

"You weren't really that enthusiastic about it back then though."San joked trying to shrug off the tears he could feel bubbling up to the surface.

Wooyoung huffed out a little laugh."No. I wasn't. I just didn't understand why someone would want to talk let alone be nice to me. And San I took a very long time before I could accept that you genuinely do love me. You fell in love with the good in me that my scarred eyes could have never seen. The way you look at me makes me see myself differently in the mirror. The way you hold me makes me feel safe and secure from the repetitive negative voices in my head. And the way you love me makes me feel wanted and cherished.
Something my own parents weren't able to give to me."

San failed miserably as tears streamed down his cheeks."Wooyoung."

"So I'm not going to keep you a secret. You don't deserve it and neither do I. I'm not going to torture myself by watching you act cautious around me all because I'm holding onto fear that I'm capable of overcoming. Why should I care what they call me when I'm beautiful in your eyes San-ah? Why should I cry because of them when you're always there to put a smile on my face? And why the fuck should I hide you away when you've always proudly and openly been there for me? "

"Because your happiness comes first Wooyoung."San told him.

"You're right. It comes first. And that happiness is you. So I'm going to ask again. Will you be my boyfriend? "

San sobbed."Baby aren't you afraid?"

Wooyoung wiped San's tears."I am but i can never overcome my fears if I don't face them."

San sniffled."When the heck did you get so smart with your mouth?"

"Ms Nam is quite good actually. Shit paid off."

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