Chapter 5 First Mission

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*Long chapter* You were sleeping next to Yoriichi then soon after you woke up while Yoriichi was hugging you tightly you didn't quite mind you just smiled and gave him a little kiss on the top of his head  before you got up and started talking with Miniarai-san about what happened in Final Selection and for the past few days you've been training and talking was the 15th day where your Nirchirn Blade would finally arrive and then I saw the person he had a straw hat and a pink type of mask and he wore a white robe that he also wore with dark green hakami pants and something on his back that you assumed was your Blade {And it is not Hagnezuka}  "Hello There!" you said to the man "Hello...I am here for a Y/n..L/n" the man said in a calm voice "Ah that would be me!" You said and You invited him in Yoriichi had to be in a hidden room and Miniarai-san sat beside you as the man sat across from you then he started to unravel your blade 

        {This is just what I found you don't need to use this image as your blade if you don't want to}

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        {This is just what I found you don't need to use this image as your blade if you don't want to}

You looked at the sword "Wow.." you mumbled then you grabbed the sword and it turned to a Black? "Black?" both of the two males said you looked at them before saying "Well I think it looks fine" then just when you were about to say something you heard "CAW CAW CAW!!!" my crow came into the room "NORTHEAST HEAD NORTHEAST!! Children are being taken head there now!" You felt like you were gonna be deaf "ALRIGHT" you yelled then quickly got your uniform on "Well looks like I have my first mission" You thought You were about to head out on your first mission and Miniarai-san made a light-wood box that Yoriichi could go in I was grateful for him doing this I had Yoriichi go in the box then you put it on your back "Are you all ready?" Miniarai-san asked you 'Yes!" you repiled as soon as he asked you then waved Miniarai-san goodbye the started to head to your First mission you ran to the location then you made it there and already started to hear stuff " hear girls are going somewhere every night" a woman said "I wonder what will...happen tonight" another woman questioned You kept walking through the village with a worried expression on your face heard something about a boy "Poor..kazumi I heard what happened to his Fiance" a Middle-aged woman said to her husband "I agree really tragic for the poor man" her husband said You looked over to see a boy that looks like he has been beaten to the pulp "Mr Kazumi!" You yelled out to him he looked at you "Please tell me what happened the other night" you asked him He led you to a alleyway "This is where she just vanished..I understand if you don't believe me like the others" he said "No! I do" you said to him a faint blush was on his cheeks but it went away "If I do ask who are you?" he asked "I am Y/n L/n a Demon Slayer!" you said "O-okay" he said You started to sniff around for any aura or presence that I could get of the demon Kazumi just stared at you before saying "Hey..we should get some rest it's getting late" he said but you quickly looked at him "No! the demons are only active at night" then you picked up a scent then you stood up and started to follow it "H-hey wait up!" Kazumi said then started to run after you, you were much faster but he still tried "Hurry,hurry" you thought you stopped on where the demon was but there was no sight of it "Where,where BELOW" You unsheathed your blade and this swampy-goo like stuff came from the ground then you saw the kimono of a girls so you quickly grabbed it and pulled the girl out you quickly jumped back but fell on your back but you got back up then you noticed the black puddle was..moving "ARGH YOU PEST THAT GIRL WAS SAVED FOR MY DINNER" the demon was angry at you and kept yelling then the demon looked at your face "Heyy even though your older than those 16 girls I've eaten you still have a pretty face" the demon said you just looked at it with pure disgust "Shut it!" you yelled at the demon then you looked at Kazumi "here.." you handed him the girl "stay close and be safe" you told him "a-alright" he said as he held the girl then you put your attention back to the demon but it was gone you held your blade in your hand and tried to look for where the demon could be at "where did it go" you thought you tried and use your scent of smell and you smelt something from BELOW you quickly jumped up and this time you saw 3 demons one infront and two on either side of you "My..what a beauty sad she'll have to die" one of the demons said and then they all lunged at you, you dodged and used Seventh form:MIRROR OF MISFORTUNE MOONLIT! You yelled out and only slice some of their arms and clothing "minor injures" you thought annoyed by this slightly You fell back and the demons retreated "How are there three demons I didn't sense any other presences aside from one and demons don't usually work together" you thought "Stay close I wouldn't want you get-BEHIND" You quickly turned and saw that the demon with one horn had jumped out and was about to attack Kazumi and the girl THIRD FORM:LOATHSOME MOON CHAINS You sliced in many slashes to cut the demon but sadly you missed most of them "GAH!! HOW ANNOYING THAT GIRL IS GONNA ROT!!" the two horned demon yelled you looked at it confused "What do you mean...?" you asked "WHEN 16 YEAR OLD GIRLS TURN 16 THAT'S WHEN THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL AND YOUNG AND TASTY SO NOW SHE'S ROTTING BY THE SECOND AND WON'T STAY TASTY!" the demon yelled "Quiet down other's not that big of a deal" the one with the cocky accent said to the other demon "WELL IM NOT HAVING IT" The demon with the two-horns yelled "Shut it you two!" the demon with three horns that appeared on the wall close by said scolding the two demons then they all started to grit their teeth loudly "Hey! what happened with the human girl you ate last night Staoko!" Kazumi yelled at the demon "Staoko?..well..if I have her hairpin then I've already eaten her" the demon showed his collection to Kazumi and Kazumi had recognized one of them and he started to tear up This reminded you of your dead family you gripped your blade tightly and said to yourself "I WON'T ALLOW THAT TO HAPPEN AGAIN" you said in your mind then all the demons went underground and hid themselves "" you looked around to try and find the demons then a swamp puddle appeared near you but you jumped out of the way in the nick of time before the demon could get to you "It;s too fast" You thought then you looked to your side then noticed your too close to the wall "I'VE GOTTA MOVE AWAY" You thought then you did a backflip to prevent the attack from the demon you tried to cut the demons head off but you failed then the demon behind you almost hit you in the eye "AH-" you slightly panicked when you were cut off The box opened and kicked the demons head off "Huh.." you looked to notice Yoriichi sticking out of the box "Why would a demon be with a human?.." the demon with one horn said "It's surely annoying if I'll say myself!" the two horned demon said and Yoriichi came out of the box growing to his normal height then he turned to face me and kinda nuzzled his face to mine it was kinda cute "Hmm.." he hummed softly "Yoriichi..." you said quietly then he turned to face all 3 demons who are showing themselves and within a blink of an eye Yoriichi had kicked 2 off the demons heads off only leaving on and you had sliced as he had kicked them then the demon with only one horn fell back in fear you walked up to it and put your blade up against it's neck "Tell me what you know about Kagaya Ubuyashiki" You asked the demon.  

                                                                 Chapter 5 status:complete 

                                                                                      Words used:


!Demon! Yoriichi x F!Reader {Roles will be swapped}Where stories live. Discover now