Chapter 11 Mount Natagumo..

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*LONG CHAPTER* We all finally set out for our next mission that your crow called out to you all "HEAD NORTH TO MOUNT NATAGUMO!!" your crow cawed loudly enough to make Rui to tug on your haori sleeve a bit and you could see Kaigaku about to strangle the thing "Yes,yes!" you yelled at the crow hoping it would maybe stop shouting at you "HURRY,HURRY CAW!" it shouted at you three loudly so you guys began to run as it was the afternoon and the sun will surely set soon so we best make haste as we ran we had finally made it there as it was just night as the moon shined down on the mountain as it made the mountain all the scarier as you looked at it, it was intimidating but it wouldn't make you back out. No way! "This is giving me some..weird vibes" you said as you tried to look deeper into the forest with counting the darkness felt a smack on the back of your head you immediately turned around to see Kaigaku "Come on now! We have to get going through now! the crow told us!" he yelled as if he was kind of scolding you but you shook that feeling off and stood up straight and you nodded as Rui just was at your side as you three went into the forest as you guys we're walking through the forest you heard something coming from different areas but that wasn't the biggest one of your concerns as you couldn't feel but like your being watched.. as you we're thinking about it you heard some noises and you swiftly turned your head to the sudden sound "Ah!-Oh..Whoops sorry guys that sorta caught me off guard" you said as you looked at the small squirrel on the ground as you had originally thought it was some creature or maybe a demon you also had heard Kaigaku scoff "Tch! Your such a wimp" Kaigaku said giving you like a second of a glare before looking away and as soon as we had started to walk we all heard a groan or a noise you all quickly turned around as you had your hand on the hilt of your blade but your eyes slightly widened at the sight of another demon slayer but..he didn't look right "p-please h-help u-" the boy called out as if he was in a great amount of pain you were about to walk over to him before his skin turned purple and start to quickly puff up like a balloon you quickly jumped back "GET BACK!" Kaigaku yelled as we all ran behind a tree for cover as we had heard a sound of a pop like sound and as you looked over you saw that blood was everywhere and the boy was gone and this purple-like stuff was everywhere "What..just.." you were lost at words unsure of what to say as all of this was so sudden "He..exploded?" Rui said as you just barely heard him "Most likely.." you heard Kaigaku say as he picked up a rock and threw it over landing on the purple stuff and the rock disintegrated you were shocked at the sight as you tried to make sense of it "So is the purple stuff like Acid or maybe like a Poison?" you said confused on what the stuff even as Rui and Kaigaku took note of what you said but one thing is for sure stay away from the purple stuff "Let's start going now" Rui said as you nodded then all three of you guys started to run further into the mountain as you had your guard up as you guys ran you noticed the air was getting stiff but it didn't effect you much due to the training with Miniarai-san, as you guys ran and started to pick up the paste you noticed something so you stopped as the something had caught your eye You had saw the colors of a beautiful butterfly it was purple and blue with a touch of green it was as pretty as the moon you gave a small smile as it fluttered around you had the urge to touch it but your instincts told you not too it then landed on a leaf but then..the leaf disintegrated you had swiftly backed away with your hand on the hilt of you blade "Did you guys see that" you asked them as they had just nodded as they pulled their swords out of their sheaths "Keep your guard up! these butterfly's aren't normal!" you said as hundreds of butterfly's swarmed you three "Stand back!" you heard Kaigaku yell as you backed out of his way and covered Rui as you had saw him hold his sword as he was going to perform a breathing style form "Thunder breathing Third Form! THUNDER SWARM!" He shouted as he unleashed a attack of multiple black thunder bolts cutting down all of the butterflies in a matter of seconds "Wow! that was amazing Kaigaku! thank you" you praised him as he just scoffed as you pulled out your sword and stood up straight "Come on! Let's go there's surely more demons in this mountain! And we must find them!" you shouted as you felt Rui pull on your Haori sleeve "Hm?" you hummed as you looked at Rui as you saw he had a spider you were almost deathly afraid of spiders but you held it in but you still jumped back as he let the spider down onto the ground and looked up at you "There are three demons here" he said as you nodded "Should we..split up?" you asked them as they nodded "We should as we all are capable of taking down a demon by ourselves! Especially me!" Kaigaku said laughing for a moment probably praising himself You stood there a bit unsure on what to think "Uhm Alright then!" you said bidding them goodbye as you ran east as Rui went west and Kaigaku went North "This will be a dangerous mission" you thought as you ran  

!Demon! Yoriichi x F!Reader {Roles will be swapped}Where stories live. Discover now