Chapter 1

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Little info everyone's roles will be swapped like the uppermoons will be hashira and the hashira would be uppermoons now I hope you have fun reading 😊

"This should be enough fire wood for today" You thought as you put the wood in the basket you had over your shoulders and started heading home where my family  lived as the snow was slowly falling from the sky "Oh Y/n.." My mother had said while having her smile plastered across her face while washing my and my siblings clothes "Hi Mom! I'm going to go into town and sell this fire-wood" I said with some joy in my voice my mother walked over to me looking like she was gonna burst out laughing but she didn't and she cleaned my cheek with a cloth while I was looking at her with a confused face "Oh Y/n you still have some char on your face" She said softly chuckling I looked away my face slightly red from embarrassment "I'll be going now if tha-" I was cut off of my siblings running into the room "Older Sister! we wanna come with you to town" Both of my siblings said at the same time I softly chuckled "Well maybe next time" as soon as I said that Hinode my little sister pouted "B-but we could help!" "Yeah! so pleaaseee Older sister" my little brother Nikko agreed with her I crouched down and patted their heads "Now, now i'm sorry but I promise I will bring you both next time alright" I said with a smile as Nikko pushed off my hand "Fine! but you better not be lying" Nikko said "I'm not lying so you both don't need to worry" Then both of them ran off probably going to our new baby sister Taiyo I then looked at mother "Well ill be going now" I said and right before I left "Well make sure to say hi to Yoriichi for me and Don't forget that tomorrow is gonna be your 20th birthday" my mother said then I looked back and nodded "Don't worry and I won't forget" after saying that I went outside still with the basket full of wood on my back as I was going outside I saw Yoriichi and I smiled and walked up to him We had met when he helped me when I was about to be attacked by what seemed like Drunk people after a while I got to know a lot about him and after a few months I had confessed my feelings to him and he accepted which was very shocking at the time and we've been dating for about 1 year now and I've been very happy since that time "Yoriichi!" I ran over and hugged him "...Hello Y/n" He said and lifted my chin and kissed me then I pulled back "Well i'm going into town Oh! how about you come over tonight pleasee" I said and was practically begging for him to come over "..Sure i'll come and before you go I wanted to give you this" It was a Sun necklace {You think of what it looks like srry im too lazy to do the picture} You let out a lil gasp "I love it Yoriichi I'll wear it till the day I die" As you said that you had put the necklace on and Yoriichi gave you one of his rare smiles you waved at him then started making your way to the town 

                                                              {Time skip}

You had finally made your way down the village and you saw Mrs.Sora "Hi Mrs.Sora would you like some wood" You said with a smile "Ah well I would appreciate it very much thank you Y/n-san" She said with her calm voice you could smell that she was a very kind woman and you liked her very much "Y/n! I would like some wood as well" You heard a shout then you started on doing whatever you could to help the town

                                                                 {Another time skip}                                  

 It was nighttime now you had selled all your wood and were about to start walking back home until you heard "Y/n! over here you can stay over" You looked over where the shout came from and it was Mr. Saburo you heard he had lost his wife but still he was a very kind guy but you were slightly confused on why he had called you over so you walked to him "What is it Mr. Saburo if you want some wood im all out" You told him but he just shaked his head "No that's not why I called you over you do know it's dangerous to be out at night right? the demons could kill you" He told you, you just looked at him confused "Demons?" "Yes! Demons now come along now get inside" He told you, you felt bad as you had invited Yoriichi over but if what Mr. Saburo was saying was true you wouldn't want to be killed so you listened and went inside "So Mr.Saburo can these Demons come inside your house?" You asked then he turned his head towards you "Yes they most certainly can" You felt a bit scared about Yoriichi and your family but you were sure they would be okay Right..? "W-well goodnight Mr.Saburo" He just nodded and turned the lights off then you went to sleep. First thing in the morning you got up and waved Mr.Saburo goodbye then you went up the way to your home and as soon as you got there you were met with the smell of....Blood you ran to your home dropping your basket and opened the door to see your house torn to shreds Yoriichi covering Nikko with his arm you quickly checked their pulses and saw that Yoriichi had one but it was faint so you picked him up and started running Tears were builted up in your eyes but they wouldn't fall down your cheeks your legs were burning your lungs were freezing to the point you felt like passing out but you contiuned to run with Yoriichi on your back as you were running you were unable to realize the growling coming from behind you until you felt like you were kicked and you fell down your eyes wided and then you hit the ground...You let out a gasp of air your eyes scanning around for Yoriichi you assumed the snow broke your fall then you saw Yoriichi standing there his clothes covered in blood you ran up to him "Y-yoriichi! are you alright come on get back on my back your injured!" You then heard some sort of growling coming from him then he quickly looked up at you with cat-like pupil's and he had sharp teeth he lunged at you, you grabbed your axe protecting you from the attack but you fell backwards with yoriichi on-top of you he was growling trying to kill you your eyes were wide open you couldn't believe what was happening "W-was this what Mr.Saburo was talking about?" You thought "B-but yoriichi was a human before" memories flashed in your eyes "How could this have happened" You thought then you looked up at Yoriichi seeing he was growing bigger so then you decided to try and say something hoping it would do something "Y-yoriichi this isn't you P-please stop this I beg of you Yoriichi Please! {Omg this be kinda cringe im so sorry} You yelled and you couldn't  believe what you felt Tears you looked up to see Yoriichi was crying did he maybe hear what you said you hoped that was the case then you saw a Sword? and it was aiming for yoriichi, yoriichi looked to the side as well but you grabbed him by the neck rolling over to side dodging the attack you looked up to see who attacked and he looked somewhat like Yoriichi then he looked at you 'Why are you protecting that demon" he said in a cold voice you gulped "H-his my boyfriend and I promise you his different from other demons!" the person just scoffed and ran up to you guys you were about to cover yoriichi but he wasn't there then you looked up and saw Yoriichi in the arms of the guy who attacked you guys then he stabbed him you gasped "No stop it please!"you spread open your arms "I promise you Yoriichi wouldn't hurt anyone so please stop!" you started to cry a little bit the person got annoyed and yelled at me "Stop groveling like that it will do nothing it won't bring back your family or turn Yoriichi back into a human and why did you turn your back to me and why did you stop having your focus on me! those stupid mistakes are what led him to being captured!" You were surprised that he knew Yoriichi's name but that wasn't the point now and you knew he was right so you wouldn't allow that to happen a second time so you got up and ran through the trees throwing the axe as soon as you weren't in his sight then once you were you threw a rock then ran to him acting like you had the axe.  MICHIKATSU POV. "You Fool!"I yelled then hit her with a part of my sword knocking her out "Foolish girl" I thought but then after looking at her she didn't have the axe "The axe where is it?" I thought then I looked up and saw a axe coming towards me I moved my head in the nick of time then looked back at the girl "This girl is truly something else she threw the axe before then ran up to me like she did have a weapon and while I had my attention on her I wouldn't notice the axe coming towards me" As I was thinking I didn't even notice then to my surprise Yoriichi kicked my side then ran towards the girl "Oh no! his gonna eat her" I was about to run before I stopped my eyes widened at the scene infront of me he protected her? his arm was outstrechted infront of the girl he must be using a lot of energy from even regenerating but still he protected her hm "If he rememebers her then he must rememeber me right" I was right he was shieding the girl but did not come towards me to attack "Maybe what the girl is saying is true there once was a guy who said his {something I dont remember} was different but he died but..maybe just maybe Yoriichi is different" I then ran up to Yoriichi hitting his nape making him pass out BACK TO YOUR POV. I woke up with Yoriichi infront of me with what seemed like a bamboo muzzle on his mouth then I sat up only to be greeted by a voice behind me I quickly looked over and saw the guy I listened to what he said "Make sure that Yoriichi doesn't get expose to the sun or he will burn and lastly go to Mt. Sagiri tell the owner that Michikatsu Tsugikuni sent you" and that was the last thing that he said then the samurai vanished before my eyes and from that point on my life will change just like how the snow would melt and the grass would show...

                                           Chapter 1 finished finally I can go to sleep                    

1910 words.

!Demon! Yoriichi x F!Reader {Roles will be swapped}Where stories live. Discover now