Chapter 6 Meeting someone..

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When you asked that question that the demon hesitated before answering "I-i c-can't" the demon told you in a scared type of tone "Tell me!" you demanded sure you felt a little bad by yelling at the demon but it had killed many humans...and that can't be forgiven "I CAN'T TELL YOU" the demon yelled at you before regenerating it's arms and legs trying to get an attack on you but you swiftly dodged it and you quickly cut off it's neck you felt angry but dissapointed at the same time as you didn't get any infomation on to turn Yoriichi back, Yoriichi noticed this and gave you a hug you smiled a tiny bit then after he let go you looked at Kazumi and the girl he looked scared petrified even of what he saw, you then saw the sun and put the box down and opened the door for Yoriichi he got in into his smaller form and went in then you closed the box and you put it back on your back then you looked over at Kazumi and walked over to him "Kazumi-san I need you to take care of this girl okay" you said in the best comforting voice you could put on he then put the girl down you were confused until..he grabbed the collar of your uniform "Huh..?" you mumbled "What's the big idea here! do you think I can just forget what happened here because for your infomation I can't!" he yelled at you then you smiled softly at him a warm smile that shines as bright as the sun his eyes then widened as he saw something in you and he let go then you started to walk away you turned to him one last time "Take good care of her for me okay!" you shouted "W-wait i-im sorry for what I said" he yelled back and then you turned to look at him for the last time and smiled "Take care Alright!" you said and walked out of the village "Kagaya Ubuyashiki I will find you...and kill you with all my might" you mumbled to yourself as you contiuned on with your Journey wondering what will life have in store for you next...{Time skip 😀} "CAW, CAW HEAD TO ASAKUSA TOKYO NOW! NORTH NORTH" your crow yelled basically almost making you deaf "ALRIGHT I'M GOING" you yelled at your crow "DON'T YELL AT ME, HOW ABOUT THIS NEXT TIME WALK YOUR ASS THERE" your crow yelled at you, you were started to think you were about to have this little birdy for dinner but then again you can't as their your only thing that alerts you of missions then you sighed and started to run in the direction your crow said, You looked around in surprise and a mix of shock "Wow everythings so bright and might I say huge" you said to yourself and it was also nighttime so you let Yoriichi out he looked like he was about to fall asleep but was able to walk "Let's go this way" you both were about to go into a alley-way until..You saw a scene.. you blushed slightly "A-AH SORRY" you yelled covering Yoriichi's eyes and walked away from that scene then you manged to get your way through the town and you saw a small udon shop so you decided to go to it "Excuse me could I get a bowl of udon with yams?.." you asked to the older man and he just nodded then you and Yoriichi sat at a bench waiting for your food you sighed "Im so tired" you said to yourself as Yoriichi {Looking innocent as ever} was resting on your shoulder "Here you go" the man said and handed your food "Thank you" you said and started to eat "Hmm" you said enjoying the food could smell that presence..the same one where your family was massacred and you had dropped your {Poor} bowl of udon and stood up and started to run after the scent "I know this I can remember it" you thought to yourself as you were running through the crowds of people slightly pushing them and as you were following the scent it was drawing you to someone and that's when you remembered something that Miniarai-san said Kagaya Ubuyashiki you kept on softly pushing people out of the way trying not to hurt them then you got to the scent it all led to here and you grabbed onto the shoulder of a man dressed in a white suit and with short and black hair he turned around to see you, your face covered in anger as he was slightly confused "IT'S HIM WHO KILLED MY FAMILY AND TURNED YORIICHI INTO A DEMON" you thought in your head you were pissed off and all that broke when you heard a small girl's voice "Daddy?" the little girl said then you turned your focus onto her she had white hair with dark violet eyes a beauty to be honest "Is everything alright" she asked in this small voice filled with innocence You wanted to murder this man in the worst way possible but you couldn't as there was too many people and a small girl in his arms and you could tell the girl was pure human he was using her you covered your mouth in disgust it was unspeakable but that someone would do this you"Of course it is" he said with a soft voice to his 'daughter' but you knew it was fake then you were broke once again out of your thought's when you heard someone's elses voice "Dear, what's the hold up?" a woman said beside the man she had white hair as well and it was pulled back by a ponytail as she also had a slik dark blue and white kimono on "It's nothing my love" he said with the same tone of voice it all disgusted you as you were just standing there and it was just all unbelievable to you then the woman turned her attention to you "Dear who is this girl?" she asked then all three of them looked at you "I don't know..she must have mistaken me for someone else" he said and while he was talking he had scratched the neck of a bystander you saw this "Honey..are you alright?" the wife of the person asked as he wasn't acting normal and this is when he looked up at her with dilated pupils and lunged at her and bited her shoulder she screamed out of pain then you acted quickly and ran over to them and Kagaya eyed the necklace you were wearing {the gift from Yoriichi} You then tackled down the man getting him off of the woman and you reached into your pocket pulling out some bandages and you put it in his mouth to prevent him from attacking or eating anyone for the meantime "Ma'am! Please stay still you need to tend to that wound you have!" you yelled to the woman who was trying to get up and you kept holding down the man as people just watched and you tried to tell them and help the woman, the mans eyes looked crazy veins popping out of his forehead then you saw Kagaya and his 'family' leaving you looked at him while holding down the man but you knew you had to say something "KAGAYA UBUYASHIKI! I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN TO THE ENDS OF HELL! IF I HAVE TO END YOUR TERRORISM!" you yelled at him as his figure was slowly slipping out of your sight and as you shouted that you failed to notice the policemen surrounding you "Oi, get off girl!" one of them yelled you looked at them "N-no you don't understand! this man is dangerous so for your own safety! step away!" you yelled at them but they didn't listen to you "How am I gonna restrain this guy without police trying to call reinforcements coming in or them trying to attack me" You thought "I warned you!" one of them yelled as he was about to hit you with his kubatton. You saw...Flowers?                                                       END OF CHAPTER 6

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!Demon! Yoriichi x F!Reader {Roles will be swapped}Where stories live. Discover now