6 | Y/N | Accident

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The rest of the day was uneventful. You continued taking other orders, swapping out with Shiori right before the rush so you could eat a quick homemade lunch before testing out some of your TBB (To-be-baked) recipes. The brownies and bread already came out right, but the macarons still had you kerfuffled.

You decided to worry about that later, remembering fondly how that blonde man accepted them, rather reluctantly. Although he didn't give a hint to his reaction, the fact he hadn't cringed at the appearance was a good sign.

Briefly, you wondered what he was doing, and if he tried them out yet.

Shiori was kind, and always willing to help you out, but she was biased. You wanted another person's opinion so you could further your craft.

You sighed as you leaned against the counter, trying to massage your own shoulders. There was a tightness in your joints -- especially the ones above your collarbone. You didn't understand why that weariness was almost set in your bones. That matched along with your fatigue made whisking a little harder, but that didn't stop you as you rested the bowl on your hip, your wrist swishing the utensil around as the vibrations rumble up your arm to your shoulders.

E/C eyes trained on the bowl as you mixed vigorously, the dull ache in your shoulder brushed aside in order for you to complete your duties. The creamy mousse was a rich chocolate shade, deep and dark. Soon, the air bubbles seemed to have been taken care of, so you place it on the counter, stepping to the fridge to get the final topping.

Lovely, you beamed as you delicately placed a few brownie chunks on top of the mousse, letting the crumbs line the edges of the cup.

It looked restaurant worthy. Only the finest restaurant you'd compare it to. The expresso mixed well with the chocolate, and the drizzles of caramel over the brownie would tie the whole dessert as a sweet and salty addition.

Your thoughts were getting ahead of yourself.

You picked it up, dashing off to the front.

"Guess who perfected--!"

A sudden force materialised from nowhere.


You stumbled back, almost collapsing if it wasn't for the cabinets behind you, but the cup in your hand had suffered that fate, the glass shattering and erupting into pieces that scattered around the floor, the chocolate no longer appetizing. The sound of glass shattering was common to you, since you had a habit of forgetting you held fragile items in your hand and they'd drop, but this time... it was more than dropping a mere household glass.

Not when you stared directly up into your bosses' glowering eyes.

A gasp escaped you, eyes wide as you hastily try to fix this. "I'm so sorry! I'll clean that up."

As you spill out your apologies, you race to get a cleaning material, but a hand grabs your elbow, effectively stopping you.

Your heart drops.

"Haven't I told you to be more careful?" Your boss, Kenshi Takada, hissed. His voice was low, not harsh, but not particularly gentle either.

You swallowed thickly. You were not on good terms with the man. "Yeah, you did."

It was like walking on thin ice. Yet this time, the whole rink had shattered, literally and figuratively. 

A pause, in which he squeezed your upper arm tighter, before letting go. You sighed in relief, quickly turning away. 

"Go clean up that mess. And you might as well go home early. You're a mess. And you made me one as well." Kenshi scowled, his suit now splattered with chocolate, causing another wave of guilt to wash over you.

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