11 | Y/N | What is wrong with me?

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It was evening. Not too late. But definitely late enough for you to be impatient for a certain man's arrival, your foot tapping against the floor as you gaze at the door again. He would be here at 6:15 on the dot. Now, it was nearing almost 30 minutes after. 

"I'm sure the door will break down if you keep glaring at it like so." Shiori joked, starting to clean down the tables with a wet rag. "Haru already came 'round, so I wonder who you're waiting for."

You clicked your tongue, letting out a huff. "No one." 

"That look in your eyes say different." 

"What do my eyes say?" You raise an eyebrow, cocking your head to the side. 

Shiori hums, wringing the rag before swiping down the surface of the counter littered with crumbs. "Anticipation. And let me guess, anticipation for Mr. tall, blond, and handsome?" She teased with a sly grin.

Your face went warm. How did she know? 

You immediately broke into protests, and the older woman laughed, putting her hands up. "If you really weren't waiting for him, then why the grand reaction?" 

You didn't have an answer to that. She was right. But you wanted to deny it so badly. 

Your cheeks inflate as you hold your breath, mulling over your thoughts. You exhale with another puff. 

"I don't know, let alone understand why myself either, so don't make fun of me." You cross your arms, groaning as you look back at Shiori, leaning against the edge. 

In response, you got a finger wagged in your face, full of elderly wisdom. "You don't need to understand why. The universe works in mysterious ways." Shiori practically thrusts the rag to your face. "Now, be a dear and wipe the outer tables for me."

"You sound like a hippie." You take the wet material, clenching it in your palm. "Next thing you know, I'll be sucked into a pyramid scheme to sell astrology charts."

You leave the employee area, going past that small door that seperated the empty customer dining hall and started with the table closest to the cashier booth. It was boring work, in your opinion. You'd much rather be baking, to be whisking away and creating, rather than cleaning. 

Oh well, work calls

As you wipe away, the dull ache in your shoulder only seemed to be more prominent. You flinched as a sudden pain went shooting down your arms. It was cold, colder than ice and laced with spikes. 

You bite your lip, freezing for a second to let the pain pass. A sigh escapes you as you shiver, taking in a deep breath. What is wrong with me? Hana's words drifted back to your mind, and her frequent requests for you to check your health.

You were fine, really. There was nothing wrong with you! It was probably just cramps.

You decided to blame it on the cleaning. 

"I could've sworn Keith usually did this." You murmur, using a paper towel to dry up the residual water. 

"He left early. You know how Kenshi gets in a mood on this day." Shiori shrugs. She had worked at this bakery for so long she called him by his first name, and surprisingly, the latter was fine with that.

"Makes sense--" Her last sentence caught your attention, your head perking up. "Wait, what do you mean by that? What's special about today? Is it Valentines day or something?" You joke slightly. Your boss did seem like the kind of person to be irritated over a festive holiday like that. You could already imagine him scowling at all the couples with flowers and chocolates. 

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