19 | Y/N | Does This Count as Betrayal?

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Lunch rush wasn't necessarily tough, just bothersome. Nothing special happened, except for Kento's sudden arrival. You still remembered the way his warm lips felt on the back of your hand, and you had to resist making that same embarrassed expression as you tended to more customers. Your shoulder continued to hurt, and you decide to take a well-deserved break.

Keith did say to take it easy. You think as you casted a glance back, seeing the bald man take over your duties.

When you go to the locker room to get your bag -- you wanted to check for any missed calls -- you heard a hushed conversation from behind one of the doors. You freeze in your tracks, your eyes widening.

"Around New Years."

It sounded like your boss. The right thing to do would've been to walk away; eavesdropping was plain immoral. But you were curious by what he meant. Was something important supposed to happen by New Years? A few seconds of listening in wouldn't hurt, you decided.

You pressed your ear to the door, looking around if anyone was going to walk in on this. Oh well. You already look suspicious enough, might as well commit to it.

"Great. Just in time for my retirement."

Your eyes widened. Shiori?! Although her words were spoken sarcastically, you didn't catch that dry tone. Your shoulder prickled the closer you pressed yourself against the door, but you didn't pay it any mind as the next words caught your attention.

"The buyers are coming back tomorrow to scope out the landscape."

"Why bother buying a bakery if they're going to tear it down?"

"How should I know? I'm the wrong person to ask for this."

You barely noticed their conversation coming to an end as you froze in place. What? They can't seriously be doing this. None of them told you, not even Shiori, whom you trusted most here. New Years was just barely 3 months away; when were they going to tell you, if ever? Especially about something as important as this!

Did this count as betrayal? You didn't stop to think about that as footsteps alerted their imminent departure. You scrambled away from the door, and just as the knob twisted, you ran to the locker room, your heart beating just as fast as your thoughts were racing.

Flattening yourself against the lockers, your hands reached up to cover your mouth in shock. Just moments later, the office door opened, Shiori and Kenshi walking past the locker room, unaware their conversation had been overhead. 

Selling the bakery?! 

That meant you'd lose the one job you enjoyed doing over and the over. But even worse than that, you'd lose the money you'd get. 

You didn't know how to feel. It wasn't your bakery to make decisions over, but still, it stung to hear the news this way. Should you confront Shiori? No, no, you decided against. It wasn't her decision to make, and you didn't feel like confronting your boss either. 

You comb your fingers through your hair, taking out your headband. It hangs on one of your fingers as you lean against the wall, your mind racing. 

You had until New Years to get a job. Great. Wonderful. 

A deep breath escapes you. It didn't help with your parents' condition on the line, your mother physically and your father mentally, that this is going to happen.

The rest of the day passed by, the news still hitting you hard. The next time you looked at Shiori, you wondered just how a sweet face like that could withhold such a big deal from you. By the time your shift ended, you left with a more sullen mood, your shoulders slumped. You looked defeated, your once visible smile no longer able to cover up how tired you were.

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