18 | Kento | Just a Few More Hours

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Kento despised his job.

Especially overtime.

As mentioned numerous times, it was annoying; a waste of his precious time. He didn't care if he was getting paid for it; he already worked his 10-6 hours, let that man go home.

But unfortunately for him, overtime was exactly what had been pushed onto him for the past few days.

Staying at office after hours, stressed and tired, had a way of chipping away at one's sanity. Waking up, fixing his tie, only to stare into a mirror blankly. That blank stare didn't leave him as he had to walk past the bakery in the morning. Still, his eyes drifted to the glass door where Y/N would stand, like always. Except now, a familiar brown-haired man began to accompany her in the mornings. 

Haru. Kento remembered his name.

She looked so happy, smiling and joking around her friend. Kento couldn't help but feel jealous. He didn't know if it was his envy taking over, but he had a feeling that her smile was strained. 

If only he could see her closer.

He reluctantly peeled his eyes away and went straight to another day of grueling work. Not hard in terms of physical strength, but certainly testing with its tedium. 

When would it end?

The pursuit for money?

The debauchery of morals?

Kento was never an optimist. It was a lie he never told himself.

As soon as he walked into his workplace, grey and depressing, his phone buzzed.

Kento had an inkling as to who was calling, but he didn't care as to how all his attempts to block that person never worked. Without a second thought, he picked it up, bringing it to his ear so no one else could hear.

"You better have a good reason for calling, Gojo." Kento spoke in a low tone, quiet as he made eye contact with his boss across the lobby.

He flickered his brown eyes to his cubicle as the voice crackled from the other end of the phone.

"I'm surprised you didn't hang up on me right away. We're making progress!" Gojo cheerfully said, the exact opposite of K.

"I will hang up if you don't cut to the chase." He uttered a threat he wasn't afraid of fulfilling.

"Could you at least hear me out."

"I am hearing you out. I swear, if this is about that reunion--"

"Oh-- in fact, it is about that reunion!"

Kento had to stop himself from audibly groaning since his boss was eyeing him like a hawk. Geez, he could never catch a break, could he?

"Oh c'mon, everyone will be there." Gojo persisted. "Shoko, and-- oh wait, I haven't shown you Megumi yet! Ahh, that kid is so adorable, he'll melt your grumpy old man heart, just you wait."

"You have." Kento remembered the young dark-haired kid. At first, he suspected Gojo had kidnapped him, but the then 17-year-old had actually just become a parent. 

Gojo clicks his tongue. "And that was years ago. Ages. Centuries. Eons. Megumi is a talented kid. A bit emo, but at least he doesn't have that same Karen cut you had back then."

Ouch. Kento remembered that hair very clearly. No matter how much Gojo and Geto made fun of it, at least Haibara didn't mind. It was after the latter's unfortunate death that Kento changed it. After his death why he took a step back from the Jujutsu world.

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