The unknown feeling

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By the way you say my name, it makes my heart flutter. I don't know why.. am I falling for you?

I still remember the day where I was assigned to seat with you. I was actually glad it was you who happens to be my seatmate. You were the one I talked to when I was bored, we share the same interest and you tell me the most random things you read on your book, you let me borrow your book and we would read together, when you're cold, you always take my jacket and when I was hungry you shared me your food and we ate together.

But how could I fall for someone like you? I know you only see me as a friend and I want to remain it that way. Oh, but out of all the people to like, why you? I can't handle to have my heart broken again because of some crush. Dammit.

Whenever I'm with you I feel my mind at ease, you're always calm when you're with me and yet, still, chaotic.

Around December is when I started feeling this unknown feeling... I start suppressing all this overwhelming, yet "unknown" feelings, and here I am still feeling the same thing.


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