Ch-7- Same Same But Different

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We started meeting everyday for project. Sometimes in cafe and sometimes at Noah's house. Suddenly everything started changing. My world, my friends started changing. It has been a week since I haven't heard from Ari and Daphne. We never get chance to meet eachother. Jenna is now in my frequently contacted list. Noah started behaving himself infront of me. He have also started talking to me like a friend. Sometimes they take me to meet their friends where Noah introduces me to everyone. It's seems like my life is taking a turn. Maybe nothing changed in others point of view but I feel something different. It's like same same but somehow different.
Our project week is over. Now it is time to present it to teachers. As usual everyone in bus were sitting with their project group.
But I still can't believe this. One week ago I was trying to get as far as possible from Noah and his friends, always trying to hide myself but today I am sitting with them, laughing with them and feeling comfortable.

" Today's gonna be a boring day."

" Ah you're right Sam."

" But today's an important day too."

" Well she is right too ."

We started walking towards our school when Joshua came to me.

" Emy, can you come with me for a minute, I want to have a chat alone."

" Sure , wait for me here I will be back."

I went with him towards the backside of parking.

" So what's the matter ? What did you wanted to talk about?"

" I want you to hear it calmly. It's something very important Emy. We have known eachother since childhood and I know you very well. Your likes dislikes I know every single thing about you. And I have always been there for you right!?"

" Yes, but I still don't know what you want to say."

" Emily I have been crushing over you since childhood. I like you Emily. I like you very much."

I was shocked by this sudden proposal.

" Joshua you are my really good friend. You were always there for me and I am really thankful for that but it's just I don't like you. I have known you since when we were like ten. You are like my brother. I have never seen you more than my friend. But we can still remain friends."

" Friends!!! What the hell are you talking about Emily. I have liked you so much just so that you can hurt my feelings!!! Have you ever cared for me or it was just me who was always there for you."

I was able to see madness in his eyes. Madness for me. Madness for my love. I tried to walk away back to my friends because it was frightening me to be there alone. But he caught my hand and his grip was so tight that it was hurting me.
But wait there's another hand on Joshua's collar. It was Noah's hand. He was standing right behind me.

" Leave her right now or you will regret it."

" You think I am afraid of you . No way Noah Maxton. I hate you and Emily hates you too. Right Emily? Tell him that you have never liked him and his girlfriend. Tell him how much you hate him."

" Yes it's true, I didn't liked you and your girlfriend back then but now when I got a chance to know you , I don't think that you are bad at all."

Joshua was shocked.

" How can you say this Emily!! How can you take his side!!!!"

He tried to push me but Noah stopped him and soon our whole group came running to stop Joshua who was getting mad. They solved everything and we came back to school. We didn't let anyone know what happened there.
Noah asked me to stay in medical room till they come back after submitting project.

" Let's do a thing."

" What!?"

" Let's bunk the classes today."

" Yes ", everyone picked their bags to bunk classes.
Noah picked my bag too.

" I don't want to bunk classes."

" Don't be so boring Emily."

" Don't be so rude Noah."

It might seem like we are fighting but actually we are joking around like friends. We all went to different places to bunk classes.
Noah took me to his favourite spot.

" So are you ok?"

" Yes don't worry. I just don't understand what happened to Joshua. Why he went so wild."

" You should have let me punch him on the face. After that he would have  definitely apologize to you."

" Noah don't get in fight because of me. I hate fighting."

" But that's what you did back there in bus when Cindy was bullying your friends. I did the same thing. I stood there for you. You are my friend Emily."

" That was different Noah."

He went quite for sometime thinking about something.
I broke the silence.

" Where is Cindy right now? Is she still mad over me?"

" Well right now she is in France with his father and yes she still gets mad whenever she hears your name."

" So his father lives in France?"

" Not exactly. Well would like to know our secrets Emy!!"

" If you never tell them to anyone than you don't need to tell me too."

" But I trust you . You are different from others for me."

" Is that secret related to you?"

" Yes, it's about me , my family and friends."

" Hmm."

" Ah come on Emily, don't you want to know my relation with Cindy ? Aren't you interested at all . Then why did I stepped in between you and that pig."

" Ok fine go ahead and tell me your secret."

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