Ch-9 - Confession

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I have decided to tell my secret to Noah today itself. I don't know whether it is a right time to tell him or not but he believes me , he trusts me and I don't want to break his trust. I will let him know my feelings.
After reaching school just for a second I thought to step back and not tell him but then on the other hand I don't want to lie .

" Hey guys today there are two lectures of that boring professor."

" Uhhh I want to go home."

" Noah."

" Yes?"

" Would you like to bunk today's two boring lectures with me?"

" Seriously Emy!! Yesterday you were like I don't want to skip classes and today you are inviting me to skip!?"

" I am just not feeling good."

" K , then let's go to my secret spot."

As soon as we reached there I started preparing myself to hear my bad qualities from Noah.

" Emily are you listening me or not?"

Noah was talking to me but I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't heard him.

" Noah I wanted to share my secret with you."

" Ooh really!! Go on I am listening."

" Umm Noah I know that maybe after this you might not like to talk to me and I won't stp you from punishing me but just forgive me."

" What are you saying Emily? What forgiveness? What happened?"

" Noah I like you."

For a few minutes we both were staring at eachother, stunned by whatever just happened. Then suddenly Noah spoke.

" I know that you like me."

" What!!?? You know!! But how?"

" Yes I know you like me but I used to think that you are different from other girls."

" Please don't say I am disgusting or something. I can't bear to listen it."

" Let me tell you something. You know when I first saw you on bus fighting with Cindy, I found you interesting. After that every now and then I used to stare at you . I liked it that you were different but then one day on bus your friend Daphne told me that you like me and that you have a huge crush on me. Then my feelings changed. I started thinking about you as a normal girl trying to get my attention. And so I tried to humiliate you that day on bus but you denied, you said you don't find me attractive and that I am just a rude , rich guy. This made me think that you are mysterious and different but I preferred to avoid you. But then because of this project I got to know about you and now....."

" Now??"

" I like you too Emy. I cannot live without you."

I wasn't expecting him to propose me.

" Yesterday I was going to propose you but then I thought that maybe first I should ask you about your feelings and so I asked about your secret but you denied that you don't have any secret and I thought that it's gonna be your answer if I ever propose you but today I am confessing my love to you. I love you Emily."

He kneeled and opened a beautiful ring case infront of me.

He kneeled and opened a beautiful ring case infront of me

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He took my hand and made me wear that ring. I was so happy that tears rolled down my eyes.
We started chatting, laughing. We were so happy. We both were in love with eachother for so long but we didn't told about it to eachother but at last we are together.
Then suddenly Joshua came to me. Noah wasn't looking happy. But I told him to remain calm .

" I am really sorry about yesterday Emily. But can we still remain friends?"

" Sure."

Noah was still angry on him and so he decided to let others know about us being together so that no one dares to touch me. He showed my hand with that ring on to everyone. Making sure that everyone could see it.

" Listen carefully now , she is my girlfriend

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" Listen carefully now , she is my girlfriend. If anyone tried to touch her or bully her or do anything that makes her feel sad , I will kill that person. Got it!!"

Everyone clapped for us.

Days passed, months passed and we were still happy couples.
We were the best couples in the whole school and we loved eachother a lot. I thought maybe this is my happy ending.


Follow me on instagram: mysticaltwilight3

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