Ch-10- Deception

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Suddenly one day when we were sitting in class ,chatting with eachother, Alan came running to Noah and whispered something to him. After which Noah seemed to be tensed.

"What happened Noah?"


"Then why are you so stressed?"

"Oh there's nothing to worry about its just maybe for some days we won't be able to see eachother because my dad is taking me for some kind of dealing with his client."


Noah again assured me that there's nothing to worry about before leaving the school. But I don't know why, for the first time, I felt like Noah was lying to me. Something was strange about his behaviour. I tried to contact him at night but wasn't able to. This made me more anxious. Next day , when I reached school I saw Alan with his group but as I was already informed Noah wasn't there with them.

"Alan, where is Noah?"

"Don't you know? He is in a meeting with his father. I thought he told you."

"He did but he is not answering my calls or messages so I just got a little bit anxious."

"There's nothing to worry about Emy, he is just little bit busy."

Maybe Alan was right. I am just overthinking.
I made up mind to not disturb him so I messaged him one last time to contact me whenever he gets free. But for my surprise he replied. He asked me to meet him in the neighbour building because he wants to tell me something very important.
I was so happy that I ran to reach the building.
On my way , I met Sam.

"Hey Emy, where are you going in such a hurry?"

"Noah called me to meet up [I answered taking long breaths because I was running and was short of breath] sorry I cannot talk to you right now. I will see you later. Byee."

I didn't wait for Sam to say me goodbye. After reaching at building, I hurriedly started climbing the stairs to reach at terrace. I opened the door of terrace and looked for Noah in every direction . Noah wasn't there but someone else was.


"Hello Emily Cooper."

"Where is Noah?"

"He isn't here. I was the one who called you here."

"But why?"

"I heard something from Anna and just wanted to confirm if it's true or not."

"What did she told you?"

"She said that you are in a relationship with Noah. Is it true?"


I thought that Cindy will get mad but for my shock she started laughing.

"I like your confidence but do you really think that Noah would ever like you Emily? The prince , the millionaire will ever like someone like you who cannot  afford to live like him for even one day?"

"He likes me and that's what he care about."

"I think now it's time to show you the truth and to prove you wrong."

She handed me her phone with a video.

"What's this?"

"See it your self."

I played the video. In video Noah and Cindy were arguing.

["Are you sending me to France because you like that bitch?"
"No Cindy, I like you and I am not gonna forgive her. Just wait and watch how I take          your revenge."]

I knew that Cindy is just trying to apart me from Noah.

"This video was recorded when he was in a toxic relationship with you. He didn't fell for me at that time. But he is in love with me right now."

"If you think I am lying than why don't you swipe and watch the next video. It is yesterday's video. You can clearly see date and time."

I played the video.

["Anna said that you are in love with that bus girl."
"No never not Cindy. She is not my type. She is just a low class girl who fell for me and was trying to create more drama to attract more guys. Yes I admit I talked to her but just for fun."
"I believe you Noah. You would never let a street dog come near you."
And they started laughing.]

Cindy took her phone from my hands. I was shocked by whatever I just heard. I didn't wanted to believe any of it. Noah was making fun of me and this was all for fun.

"See I told you, Noah doesn't like you. Why don't you run somewhere so that you don't have to face embarrassment when you see Noah tomorrow laughing on you with his hand on my waist."

Cindy left in her Porsche.
Now it was just me and the silence of wind which was blowing my hair and wiping my tears. I don't know for how long I kept standing there like a statute but it was enough time for Noah to come up with a story to prove Cindy wrong. Noah came shouting my name to me.

"Emy here you are. I looked for you everywhere. Sam said that I called you to meet me?"

"Please stop this Noah , please. Stop making me fool. Stop making fun of me."

"What are you saying Emy?"

I repeated the whole conversation between him and Cindy in that video.

"No , let me explain you Emy. It's not what you think."

"It's alright. You don't need to explain me anything. You don't owe me any explanation. I am just glad that I came to know about this soon. I don't know what wrong I did with you because of which you played with me and my feelings but I am really sorry for whatever it was."

"Emily no, please listen to me. Cindy was lying. That whole video was a lie. Please listen to me Emy."

"Spare me Noah. Please stop lying. I am already broken. Your each word is breaking my heart in thousands of pieces. And you cannot fix them. It's over Noah , we will never meet eachother again."

"No , please Emily stop. I cannot live without you. I will die Emily please don't leave me. Do you want me to die?"

I tried not to hear any further and left for home. I switched my phone off because Noah was trying to contact me continuously. That whole night I just kept remembering those lovely memories which I had with Noah. I really can't believe those smiles, giggles, chats , those eye winks all were fake. I trusted him, i believed him and I loved him but all he gave me in return was deception, betrayal.

[ Ch-11 will be the last part]
[ Follow me on instagram: mysticaltwilight3]

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