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"My superiors are flying in from D.C., in two days. I want something to show. We've got a top echelon fence with a lube hose in his mouth, automatic weapons, a jacket full of priors on every one of these Asian punks, a garage full of DVD players and generally psychotic behavior," Bilkins explains as he looks from Tanner to Brian then to Payton. "Tell me why we shouldn't move on Johnny Tran now and see where we are when the dust settles?"

"Because all we have is behavior. Let me get hard evidence, because what we have now is just circumstantial . . ." Brian says which causes Payton to shake her head while rolling her eyes.

"What we have is probable cause. And truckers arming themselves for some good old-fashioned vigilante mayhem," Payton argues as she slightly worries because it could be the Toretto team behind everything.

"Tell us about Hector, Brian," Tanner says as he looks over at Brian.

"Latinos with spear guns. Give me a break," Bilkins says as he rolls his eyes.

"Hector's still working on the engines, but the tires don't match," Brian explains with a shake of his head. "Will somebody just give me a cigarette?"

"Get him a cigarette," Bilkins orders Muse while Payton looks at Brian with a raised eyebrow.

"Don't give him one. I thought you quit," Payton says which causes Brian to roll his eyes.

"Yeah, I did quit. Just give me a cigarette," Brian says with a shrug.

"Get him a cigarette," Bilkins says again not seeing the problem of the situation.

"No!" Tanner finalizes before changing the subject. "Tell me about Toretto."

"I told you, he's too controlled for this. Going suicidal on semi-trucks? No way," Payton explains as Brian nods in agreement. "Maybe Vince. But he's too dumb to do it."

"I think the kid sister is blurring your vision," Muse says as he looks at Payton with a smirk.

"What did you say?" Payton asks as she turns to glare at Muse.

"I don't blame you. I'd get off on her and Vince's sister's surveillance photos, too," Muse tells them before Payton lunges at Muse. Payton punches Muse in the face sending him to the ground as Brian grabs her before she has the chance to start kicking him.

"Knock it off! What? Are you going native on me, Payton?" Bilkins questions her with a glare.

"Have either of you read Toretto's file lately?" Tanner asks as he looks between the siblings.

"Yeah. I memorized that file," Brian answers as he lets Payton go.

"Read it again. No, better still, take a look at these," Tanner says before showing them some pictures. "Remember I told you about the guy he nearly beat to death? Toretto did this with a three-quarter-inch torque wrench. He's a model of self-control."

"I need a few more days," Brian tells Tanner before turning to Bilkins with a pleading look. "I need a few more days." Bilkins looks over at Payton, who nods in agreement which causes Bilkins to let out sigh before sending them on their way.

"You both got big plans tonight?" Dom asks as he, Brian, and Payton work on the car.

"Yeah. We're going out to dinner," Brian answers with a slight smile.

"She may not be my sister by blood but if you break her heart, I'll break your neck," Dom tells him with narrowed eyes to show that he is serious.

"That's not gonna happen," Brian says with a shake of his head, even though he knew it may end up being a lie.

"I want to show you both something," Dom suddenly says as he wipes his hands off before handing the rag to Brian.

Dom takes them back to the Toretto household before leading them out to the garage. He opens it to reveal a 1970 Dodge Charger which causes Payton's jaw to drop in shock.

"Wow," Brian says with a smile.

"Me and my dad built her. Nine hundred horses of Detroit muscle," Dom explains with a proud smile.

"It's a beast," Payton says with a shake of her head as she continues to check the car out.

"You know what she ran in Palmdale?" Dom asks as he turns to look at them.

"No. What?" Brian answers as they both look at Dom curiously.

"Nine seconds flat," Dom states which once again has Payton's jaw dropping.

"God," Brian says in amazement.

"My dad was driving. So much torque, the chassis twisted coming off the line. Barely kept her on the track," Dom explains with a smile.

"So, what's your best time?" Payton asks as she could only imagine being behind the wheel of something that powerful.

"I've never driven her," Dom answers as his smile turns to a frown.

"Why not?" Brian asks.

"It scares the shit out of me," Dom answers him honestly before turning and pointing at a picture on the wall. "That's my dad. He was coming up in the pro stock-car circuit. Last race of the season. A guy named Kenny Linder came up from inside, in the final turn. He clipped his bumper and put him into the wall at 120. I watched my dad burn to death. I remembered hearing him scream but the people that were there said he had died before the tanks blew. They said it was me who was screaming." Dom walks around the car as Payton looks at him in shock. "I saw Linder about a week later. I had a wrench, and I didn't intend to hit him, and to keep hitting him, but by the time I was done, I couldn't lift my arm." Brian sits down as he takes in all the information. "He's a janitor at a high school. He has to take the bus to work every day. And they banned me from the tracks for life. I live my life a quarter mile at a time. Nothing else matters. Not the mortgage, not the store, not my team, and all their bullshit. For those 10 seconds or less... I'm free."

Payton knew what it was like to grow up without a father but she didn't know what it was like to lose one. Payton walks around the car as Brian heads out of the garage.

"I know it's a little different and new to you and Mia," Dom says which gains Payton's attention.  "But the same rules apply. If you break her heart, I'll break your neck." Payton nods in understanding, afraid to speak because she knew she would end up revealing her secret to Dom and break Mia's heart anyways if she did speak.

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