29| When's your act going to fall, pretty boy?

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I grunt under my breath trying to suppress the scream that wants to fight its way through me

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I grunt under my breath trying to suppress the scream that wants to fight its way through me. I feel the feel of a whip break down on my back again and I bite the inside of my cheek drawing more blood.

My mouth filled with blood.

My back is scattered with blood.

My face was bruised with blood.

You could see blood everywhere around me. I wore only just a pair of black boxers and it was the only area that didn't look bloody as the material soaked up all my blood like a sponge. The wet sticky feeling makes me cringe but I was thankful that they at least let me cover myself.

I hear a loud scream vibrate from across from me and my eyes pinch shut as tears fill my eyes. I didn't care how hard I was being hit. It didn't hurt as bad as hearing the agonizing cries of my twin that I could hear so loud.

She lays on the ground further down the cell that we were in. She fought to hold herself together at first. The strong Vivian I grew up with. But when the hits turned harder and faster she broke. Her screams haven't stopped in the past hour. It scratched as she let out another blood curdling scream.

I lift my face from the freezing floor slowly blinking my eyes open gritting my teeth when the whip comes down on my back. Laughter surrounds us as the guards giddily torture us. Hit after hit, Vivian and I endured it.

"Make him scream before the boss comes down and make us scream instead." One of the guys whispers yells from the other side of the room where he hits Vivian again.

The whips hit harder than before and suddenly I feel metal dig into my skin. I wince feeling claws of sorts dig into my skin. There's a pause of relief. Until suddenly the claws came back so quick I almost didn't realize it but it pulled chunks of flesh with it that I felt the pain everywhere.

My scream rips through my throat raw and I feel it scrape through my body and bounce off the walls. I'd never felt pain as bad as that. The claws stung my skin but it was the way that it paused before ripping my own skin off my body.

"That was music to my ears." I hear a menacing voice speak and my glare falls into place and I breath hard.

"Fuck you." I say to him and he raises his hand. I brace myself for the next impact of the whip that I knew was coming. Everytime he raises his hand I knew I was about to get hit. I'd learnt that in the past week that we'd been here.

"Leave." he says waving them off and they each keep their heads bowed forward in respect. He had trained them to the core. They only knew him as their god. I, on the other hand, had no one to bow to. Until now.

Alexei walks over to me as I stay frozen on the ground. He grips my hair pulling it up so I'll face him though my glare doesn't falter. I snarl in his face and a sly smile lifts across his face. He pauses before spitting down at me. His spit splashes across my face and I cringe in disgust.

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