05| You're my sisters

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Three month later

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Three month later

These past few month was gruesome.

It was as if so much happened when nothing truly did. I spent most of the month recovering and attempting to rebuild my health. That sounded simple enough, since all I had to do was lie in bed and someone would be there with a single touch of a button anytime I wanted it. There was no need for me to do anything.

That, however, was the worst part. You tend to zone out when you have nothing to do. You're on your own. I attempt to find solace in my thoughts. Nicholas was the most effective mind control. He knew this would happen. He knew I'd attempt to find solace in myself to keep from going insane. Though he wanted exactly the opposite. And he made sure of that.

He encouraged his bodyguards to execute physical harm on me, and he allowed them to leave as many scars on my body as they desired. On the other hand, he understood exactly how to twist a few screws in my head. He may have raped me, but it was always his words that stung the most. The description, the view he forced me to observe, it's all stuck in my brain. The image then plays in my thoughts late at night as I struggle to sleep, while the phrases continue to loop through my ears.

It's as if I'm listening to a broken record that's scratching my head continuously. The darkness of the room is ideal for projecting anything that has to be displayed in front of me. Every single thing stays with me in this dark room. An endless void. It's in this same place that I've been stuck in for the past month.

I hate it. I hate it here. Maybe that was why I already had a letter written for the important people in my life. Just in case.

I hear a knock on the door before it opens, making me jolt out of my trance. I keep my body turned away from them, on my side. I close my eyes, hoping they'll assume I'm sleeping.

"I know you're not sleeping, Arabella." My face tightens when I hear Alejandro's words, and I draw the blanket closer to me. Things between us were still awful. He's given me my space. And I despise it. I may have asked for it, but I secretly hoped he'd show me how wrong I was. I wanted him to prove himself worthy of my forgiveness. He hasn't done so yet.

"Ang- Arabella," Tears overflowed the insides of my lids as he corrected himself. I wished to be Angie once more.

His palm grazes my back, and he can feel my muscles stiffen. As he pulls away, the bed dips beneath his weight, and he takes a seat beside me. "Please."

My control crumbles as his voice cracks. I choke on sobs as tears from my eyes break forth like a flood. I attempt to swallow them whole, but they keep coming. I feel myself sinking into the bed. When I turn back to face Alejandro, I notice tears in his eyes. I watch him bite the inside of his cheek as he struggles to maintain his composure.

"I'm so sorry, Arabella. I can't apologize enough for not being there. I should have ran to you the second you were awake. I should have hugged you after all the time. You deserved that. As your older brother I fucked up on so many levels. You have every right to never speak to me again. It's your choice and I'll accept it. I just need you to tell me straight." He finishes with a wavering voice.

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