14| I did it for you

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"I want to tell my family about us

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"I want to tell my family about us." I broke the silence and I knew that it would disrupt the peace that had settled over us. She instead stays completely silent, not uttering a word and not responding to what I said. Her hands stay frozen in my hair, not continuing to brush through like she had been a second ago.

"Tomorrow is my mom's birthday and we're going out for dinner. My dad wants you to come." I pause a second. "I want you to come."

"I don't know if I can. I have this work thing-" I abruptly cut her off, pulling myself away from her. She was seriously lying to me right now.

"You don't though. I knew you would try to get out of this. Which is why I asked you last week itself to have an out date night tomorrow. You said you would keep your schedule free. Plus, you do realize that we now have a shared calendar. Which means I know when you have a work meeting. So don't even try to lie to me right now."

She looks stunned for a second. Her mouth opens to speak but immediately closes again. I wait for her to say anything.

"Dominic," her voice is quiet and it makes my heart sink for a second. I knew I was pushing her but it's been 3 months of sneaking around. I just want to make sure that she truly does want to be with me. Not just for the thrill of it.

"You know I care about you. I want you to be happy and I want to do what makes you happy. But I just don't think we're ready to take that step to being public. Don't get me wrong, I would love that. Though it would ruin what we have right now for ourselves." She reaches out to hold my hand but I stand to my feet turning my back to her.

"Fuck that, Arabella. Do you hear how fucked up that sounds? You want to be with me in secret like I'm someone for you to just have fun with? Because that's what it seems like at the moment. I want us to actually be something. With the truth."

"Are you listening to me right now? I don't just want to be with you for the kicks or something. I want you for you. That's all I need. I don't need the drama that comes with us being together in the public eye. I thought you understood that. I thought we agreed." That was all it took for me to snap as I spun around to face her again.

"I did it for you! That's what you're not getting, god dammit. I haven't said anything for the past 3 fucking months. I've been waiting for you to finally be ready. But I'm sorry, Bella, I can't do it anymore. I can't keep hiding this from my family. I've already lied before and it ended with me losing my relationship with them.'' I sigh, putting everything down.

"I'm sorry." Two words. That was all she could say. That was all I could even hear. I swallow hard trying to push down the lump in my throat. I move to walk towards the door but she calls out my name.

"Dominic." I stop dead in my tracks. I don't know what I was hoping for. But it was definitely not the next words that came out of her mouth instead. "You can't go out there, remember?"

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