11| Can I be your boyfriend?

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"Another gin and tonic, please

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"Another gin and tonic, please." Jackson, the bartender, offers me my second cup. The familiar flavor isn't as pleasant as it usually is. Instead, it tastes like water and has no taste. It was merely a pointless drink to relieve my restlessness.

Jackson gave me a sympathetic look before quickly scanning behind me, and I knew exactly what he was looking at. All of the girls who used to be at my side have left to be with their man.

But don't get me wrong. I love this for them. They've all earned it. But I couldn't shake the feeling of envy in the pit of my stomach. They had so simply found someone for them. When is it going to be my turn?

Jackson turns his back to me and bends down, opening some sort of cupboard that looks like a mini fridge. He brings out a small slice of cake and places it in front of me.

"On the house." He smiles and I give him my best in return.. Though I know it comes out uneasy. He takes two forks sliding one to me but I don't budge. He himself scoops a small piece of cake and takes a bite. He holds his hands up in surrender letting me watch him eat the piece. As if telling me it was safe.

I nod picking up the fork and pop some icing in my mouth. I savor the taste feeling giddy at the fact that this chocolate cake has got to be in my top 10. And I don't play when it comes to my chocolate cake.

"This is amazing, Jackson. Thank you."

"No problem, babe." My cheeks heat up at the nickname just as he turns away to assist a new customer.

I spin around in my chair leaning my back against the counter staring out to the crowd. My eyes set on Taylor who giggles alongside Liam as they dance around in the corner away from most people.

My eyes continue traveling across the room finding Vivian laying herself on Noah for support. She's basically limp as he gently sways her to the music. I would have thought she was asleep if I didn't see the smile that had been pasted on her face.

I move along from them to Dahlia and Marco in the private section which is reserved for us. Dahlia was a lightweight and therefore passed out pretty quickly so Marco chose to stay with her.

Her body is curled onto his lap and even from here I could see the hesitance in Marco's stiff body. Though slowly he begins to run his fingers through her hair simply staring down at her sleeping figure. He finally seemed at peace for once in his life.

I groan out loud, turning back in my seat and letting my head fall forward onto my crossed arms. Though at this time, I didn't realize a new person would slide themselves into the seat beside me.

"Guessing your night isn't going as well as planned?" My head snaps up at his cool voice that chills my body. Yet I still keep my body turned forward and away from his burning gaze that makes my stomach flutter.

"Hi Luca." I try my best to keep my voice as even as possible and he tips his lips up in a smile.

"Lovely to see you here, girasole. (sunflower)" My ears savor the nickname that falls from his lips almost like a gentle kiss. Who knew how long I would get to hear it.

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