03| Get your hands off my girl

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He throws me into a new cell yet this one is cleaner than others with only a big bed laid perfectly untouched in the corner

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He throws me into a new cell yet this one is cleaner than others with only a big bed laid perfectly untouched in the corner. I knew exactly what that was for and immediately back away trying to look for any self defense though I came up with nothing. I wiggle in the cuffs, my mind going haywire as my heart plummets deeper and deeper by the second.

Sweat coats my hands and I pull my hands over my head. I keep my hands in front away from me and place my foot in between the chains. I push my foot while pulling my hands back towards me. They slip down my hands burning as they skim my skin painfully though finally falling off. I'm quick to hide them behind me keeping my hands hidden at my back as he turns away from locking the door.

He sees me in the corner and grins coolly making my spine freeze. He approaches with slow calculated steps thinking he has won but I wasn't going down without a fight. Especially if it's against this motherfucker.

Just as he comes close enough to me, I hold the cuffs in a tight grip throwing my hands up to wrap around his neck. I don't waste a second pulling the chain taut around his throat and moving behind him to pull back with more force. His eyes widen with rage and he thrashes around as I jump onto his back, not failing my attack.

"You dumb cunt." He grounds through his teeth his breathing fleeting as he fights for air. "I thought maybe I could be gentle for your first time back. But you bet your ass, I'm going to fucking pound into you, ripping you in half. You won't walk for the next two weeks. And this will happen every motherfucking day."

I laugh through my sobs still on his back, my force on the chain even more dense.

"Try your best, asshole. You're the one who created this monster in me. Now it's your turn to hurt. Because it's all your fault that I'm-"

"A beautiful monster that will fulfill her duties as my future wife by letting me fuck her in our bed." He grunts and I spit on his face.

"No. I'm a raging bitch who will put a fucking bullet right in between your eyes since you cant seem to see how fucking psycho you are."

He growls lowly and throws me forwards and I let go falling to the ground with a thud that sends pain striking through my whole body. My foot twists back and I feel it move in an uncomfortable position that has me biting the inside of my cheek. God, that hurts.

From my position on the floor I'm on my back laying across the floor. He grabs my legs pulling me as I struggle feeling my shirt rise up, my bare skin scraping against the floor. I wince not noticing his hands on the waistbands of my shorts that he pulls down. I gasp and back away almost immediately.

He chuckles at my misery and grabs me by my shirt to pull forward. The already thin material was light on my body and he easily ripped it in half. It falls to the ground like a Kleenex and I wrap my arms around my body trying to cover anything.

My body was exactly how he wanted it. Skinny. Small. I was the perfect doll, which was always the first phase. Now he was moving on to the second, using this new body. However he likes to.

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