19| Locked, darling

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I barely missed the fork that came flying for my head

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I barely missed the fork that came flying for my head. Vivian's hand stays mid air as she glares daggers going to grab another fork.

"You've been together and didn't say shit to us?" She asks angrily but we all knew it was a rhetorical question.

"Vivian," I begin but she's quick to shut me up.

"No. You don't get to 'Vivian' me. Why the fuck would you keep something like that from me? I'm your twin." Then she turns to Arabella. "And I'm your sister. Or at least that's what you had told me. Guess you're always lying, right?"

"Viv, come on, I really didn't want to lie to you but I hadn't even told my family yet. I didn't want any drama to come into my first relationship. I wanted to be able to enjoy it just for myself and Dominic. I wanted to have our own thing." Arabella's words make my eyebrows furrow.

I was her first relationship? The thought made a bunch of happy butterflies flutter through my stomach. God, she was the only woman that could ever give me butterflies. It was a weird feeling. But I got used to it happening anytime I was around her.

"And he's not listening! Great!" Vivian throws her hands into the air and I'm pulled from my thoughts. My eyes travel back to Vivian who's glaring daggers at me. Fucking hell.

She was being dramatic as fuck right now. It's not like I was hiding my relationship with her girlfriend. She never cared about any of my past flings. I knew what I had with Arabella was different. It was a real relationship. But still Vivian didn't need to be in my business like this.

"Here, I'm listening." Arabella kicks me from under the table but she doesn't look at me. "What else do you want me to say? You won't even look at it from my point of view."

"And what about mine? What about all of your friends' points of view?"

"Vivian, maybe let's take a breath?" Aria mumbles trying to pull Vivian down but Vivian's quick to shrug her off.

"No. I'm not going to calm down or some shit." She turns to Aria. "And why aren't you freaking out either? Why aren't you upset that they hid this from us?"

I see Arabella tense when the heat is put on Aria. I knew Ara was trying to keep Aria safe since Aria already knew and kept the secret for us as well. But right now it was all on Aria. It was going to be her choice if she was going to come clean or Vivian would find out herself. Vivian was like a lie detector test; she could find your lie depending on how close you were to her. And Aria knew Vivian since elementary school so in short she was fucked.

"I'm happy for them. They've been adorable. Look how happy they've been with each other. We wouldn't want to ruin that." And shit. Well, Aria's screwed up. She outed herself. She said it in a way that Vivian would be able to tell that she already knew.

"Did you know?"

Told ya. I know my twin.


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