10| Christina Rogers

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Dominic effortlessly takes me up and holds me the entire time he walks through his house till we reach his room

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Dominic effortlessly takes me up and holds me the entire time he walks through his house till we reach his room.

I take a quick look around the room, only now pausing to examine each aspect of him dispersed across the area. I didn't have time to look at what his room looked like the last time I was here since my thoughts were so hazy.

Each item had a connection to Dominic. His fragrance was wafting across the air, and it had to be my favorite scent. It was him. Everything was him.

In my daze of looking around, I didn't notice that Dominic had stopped in his tracks right inside the bathroom.

"You've arrived at your destination. I was thinking you should wash up before going to bed. If it makes you feel better, I can take you to Vivian's room. Otherwise, you could shower here and I'll wait outside. Whatever you want to do. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable in this room. I've just-" He continues to talk until I kiss him and hush him.

That is my new favorite way to tell Dominic to shut up.

"I'm okay in here." I reply gently, and he nods before leaving with the door closed and a towel on the counter.

Before entering the shower, I slowly pull off my clothing. I turn on the faucet and let the cool water run over my burning skin. I smile against the water quietly sitting onto the cool black tiles that send a shiver up my spine.

I sigh and yawn under the stream of water as my exhausted arms lie limp over my knees. I was completely drained. Though I didn't realize how drowsy I was until I fell asleep with my head resting on my knees.

"Arabella!" In a panic, I leap up when my name is called. "Shit, Arabella. I'm coming in." The sound of a door slamming open. "Did you fall asleep in the shower? You crazy woman. You love scaring the crap out of me. God, you're shivering. Shit, shit."

I jerk awake when I see Dominic's face up close as he shuts off the water and puts a towel around my trembling frame. He carefully scoops me up off the floor and places me on the counter, his brows furrowed in worry. I first see a pair of clothes set out for me and then a bin of... skin products?

"Can I... Can I dress you? Is it okay if I touch you?" He seems genuinely hesitant as he asks and I quietly nod my head. My eyelids feel heavy and I drop my head forward to lean on his shoulder.

He quietly untangles the towel from my shoulders and begins to apply lotion to my skin. He comes to a halt at my chest, but my hand grips his and tells him to keep going. This wasn't sexual, but rather a peaceful calm for the two of us.

"I'm sorry, but I don't have any underwear or a bra for you. I'd walk into Vivian's room and bring you something, but I didn't want to invade her privacy like that. I hope that's all right." With a small frown on his lips, he glances down at the ground.

"Stop apologizing for something that isn't wrong."  With a sigh and a shake of my head, I express my discontent. "Now, don't go all soft on me. I like both Dominic's. The brooding and almost always pissed one. And the sweet and caring one." His face scrunches up and I wanted to just tap his adorable nose.

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