C1: Bloody Mist

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Warning: Swearing & shunning on gays. Please don't take offense, it's a story and I myself am gay.


Yoichi's View

I glared at the boy in front of me. He was one of my classmates in the Academy and let me say, he wasn't a nice guy. He was one of the many guys who teased me for my sexuality, my sexuality being I loved other guys; the same gender as my own. I saw no problem with it whatsoever, but of course other people did. There was always hate in the world, even for the smallest of things like this. I scoffed and glanced off to the side, my eyes meeting Chojuro's. He smiled at me shyly and gave me a thumbs up. I smirked and winked at him before mouthing 'thanks babe.' He blushed furiously and covered his face with his hands. I let out a laugh at his cute reaction. Now that's why I love Chojuro, he was just too fun to mess with.

You could say I did like Chojuro, but it was more in a bromance kind of way. We, more so I, made it seem like we liked each other, but really we were just two best friends joking around for the hell of it. Unlike me, Chojuro was straight, or at least I think he is. I snickered and faced my classmate again. He cringed in disgust at the sight of me.

"Ew, don't get close to me with your gayness, loser!" He exclaimed, backing away from me, earning a few snickers from my classmates that were standing off to the side.

I rolled my eyes at how fucking childish he sounded, "Oh shut your fucking mouth, Akiko. Stop acting like a damn kid already and grow the fuck up." I said bluntly, scrunching my nose at him.

He glared at me hatefully and scoffed, "Whatever, you faggot. I'll show you how us normal and stronger adults fight!" He shouted at me, emphasizing the word adults.

I snickered. Did he really think he was close to being an adult with that stupid attitude of his? I grinned. Yeah right, he was nowhere near an adult. I'd say he was closer to a...toddler. 'Yeah, that sounds right.' I mused, eyeing him up and down. 'He even looks like a damn toddler for fucks sake...'

Akiko literally had what you would call a 'baby face,' no joke. His cheeks were still plump and round, his eyes were so big and innocent, and lastly, his style of clothing was just...ugh. I shivered at the image of all his ridiculous clothing. He liked to wear yellow and bright green, maybe even orange if he felt like it. Normally in the Hidden Mist Village, you'd see people wearing various shades of blue or gray, not the eye-popping colors he likes to wear.

"Fine then," I muttered, rolling my sleeves up. "Show me what you fucking got, kid."

The proctor watching us gave us thumbs up to start. I grinned evilly and narrowed my eyes at Akiko.

"This is going to be the last time I have to see you fucked up face anymore. What a fucking relief." I said, reaching over my back towards my sword that Chojuro bought me for my birthday last year.

Akiko's eyes flew open and he took out a sword of his own, but unlike mine, his was beat and rusted down. I blinked and judged him for how horribly taken care of it was. I gasped and yanked at my hair with my left hand.

"What the fuck did you do to your sword?!" I shouted, running towards him in shock. He blinked and gulped slightly.

"I-I trained with it like you're supposed to!" He remarked.

I shook my head, "Yeah, I can tell you did, dumb ass. But you're supposed to take care of the fucking thing for Kami's sake!" I spat, suddenly grinning evilly as I showed him my blade. "See? Like this."

He smiled and marveled over my clean blade. My sword my perfectly taken care of, there wasn't a single scratch on it. I'd kiss a girl before that will ever happen, and trust me, I will never let that happen.

"I-It's not even damaged one bit? H-How?! It's so clean!" He breathed out in awe.

I smirked at his ego boosting words for me. I eyed the tip of the blade with a smirk.

"Yeah, I take care of what's precious to me like it was a part of me." I bloated.

Then the idiot had to act like a dick again. He busted out in a fit of laughter so suddenly that it scared my classmates on the side. I rose an eyebrow at him. 'What the fucks his problem?' I thought.

He held his stomach as he doubled over in laughter, "O-Oh, are you s-serious?! Like i-it was a-apart of you?! Y-You must b-be treated l-like shit then! N-No one wo-would want to b-be a f-fag like you!" He howled through his stutters.

I froze and glanced over at Chojuro. He shook his head at me, telling me not to do what I wanted to do. You see, these Genin tests the Mist had were very different than the ones the other Great Village's had. In our Genin test, in order to pass and become a Genin, you had to face one of your classmates in a battle. Just like the one Akiko and me were in at the moment. As for the rules during these tests, let me just say they weren't fully changed, but instead altered. Instead of having to kill your classmate to pass, you were only told to pin them on the ground for fifteen seconds or you could knock them unconscious. I scrunched up my nose.

I walked over to Akiko who was still laughing his heart out. I forced a smile on my face and laughed, making sure to make it sounds fake and forced. "Ha-ha-ha... How fucking amusing." I muttered out, clenching my teeth together as I hovered over him. I glared down at him, happy when I saw him shiver in fear. "But...guess what?"

He trembled in fear as he gulped, "Wh-What...?" He stammered out.

I gave him a closed eye smile and bent down to his level, slowly bringing my blade over to my side. People gasping rung out in the arena as I jabbed the sword into his heart, twisting and turning it in his flesh madly.

"I didn't ask for your fucking opinion, asshole." I stated boldly, loud enough for everyone watching to hear.

They never said I couldn't kill the fucker. I stood up and pulled my sword out of his filthy body. I gagged when my sword came out of him all bloody and tainted. The blade was coated in his blood. It sparkled in the faint light we had in this damned arena. I snarled and kicked at Akiko's body.

"You fucking idiot, look what you did to my precious ass sword?" I said, kicking his body harshly. "Your dirty ass blood tainted the fucking thing..."

I sighed in annoyance and turned to the proctor who didn't seemed fazed at the scene before his very eyes. He must have seen so many similar ones like mine before. He walked over to me and grabbed my shoulder, looking at me with what seemed to be pride in his eyes. I grinned and threw my fist with the sword in hand in the air as he announced my name.

"I hereby declare Yoichi Wakahisa the winner!"

I laughed, "Fuck yeah, I won!" I shouted.

Chojuro ran over to me as people cheered and some talked shit about me. I winked at him, but he only frowned at me in disappointment. Chojuro sighed and dragged me away from the crowds of people who were starting to slowly surround us. I frowned at how quiet he was being.

"Chojuro, why the fuck are you being so quiet?" I asked.

He stopped walking and spun around, towering over me, seeing as he was three years older than me. I cowered back a bit.

"Why did you kill him?"

I blinked in confusion, "Because I had to in order to become a Genin." I answered.

He glared at me, "I understand that, but you didn't have to kill him! You could have knocked him unconscious like the others before you did!" He shouted.

I scoffed and crossed my arms defiantly, "The proctors never told me I couldn't fucking kill the asshole, it's not my fault. I technically followed the rules, Chojuro." I explained.

He slumped in defeat, "That wasn't right, I don't care what you say, Yoichi. It just wasn't, you know it." He muttered.

I rolled my eyes and continued to walk alongside him. Chojuro was just being picky. He knows that I'm right about the whole 'they-didn't-say-I-couldn't' thing. He just wants to deny the fact they actually allowed me to kill one of the kids I studied with since I was a kid. I shrugged my shoulder and placed my filthy sword back into it's holder on my back.

We were called the Village of the Bloody Mist for a reason.

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