C6: The Good and The Bad

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Yoichi's View

While running away from Zuko it had started to rain pretty harshly. I clicked my tongue and sat down against a tree, sliding down on its soaking wet bark. I let out a deep breath and clenched my teeth together.

'God dammit! Why? Why does this shit have to happen to me?!' I screamed internally, a frown forming on my lips. My thoughts wandered to different things. 'Zuko... He really did try to harass me just now, didn't he? He's not like I thought he was.'

He's different.

"Fucking hell!" I screamed out in anger, slamming my fist against the tree, flinching as the rain entered my cut.

The rain almost symbolized my sorrows. It was a constant wave with no predicted end. Who knew when it was going to stop? Who knew when I was going to live a normal life...

Letting out a deep breath, I pulled myself together. I couldn't let them see me like this; Chojuro and Furuta-sensei that is.

"They can't see me like...they can't." I murmured out softly, tears pricking my eyes. Although the tears threatened to spill from my eyes, the rain did me a favor and washed them away.

I plopped down onto the ground, mud staining my clothing. I brushed that fact that I was dirty off and gazed up at the sky.

"Furuta-sensei... I'm sorry." I whispered, a drop of rain hitting my cheek.

"Chojuro... Zuko, forgive me." I cried out.

I covered my eyes and let out a small sob.

"I'm just a fuck up."


[ Next Day - At The Academy ]

"Today we're going to be discussing your weak points and...I guess you can call them your 'exceeding points'," Furuta-sensei stated, quoting exceeding points.

I rolled my eyes at how she would question herself to see if she was right, and then tell us. It was like she had to ask some person in her head first for confirmation before she spoke. Well, I guess she does need the help. Most of the time when she's speaking I can't help but notice how similar her voice is to a child's. She could go on as an overgrown child. No, she isn't like a child. She is a child.

I narrowed my eyes. She continued to ramble on with her nonsense. "Well, anyways you should all get the point. If you are horrible at something I will point it out to you in secret, same with the areas you accelerate in." She explained with a smile, poking her cheek. "Shall we begin?"

We all nodded and awaited her next orders.

"Alrighty then! I want all three of you to face each other." She said.

We did as she told. I looked at Chojuro, Chojuro looked at Zuko, and Zuko looked at me.

She nodded in approval with a slight hum, "Nice, you guys are pretty good." She noted.

I sweat dropped. 'She's making me feel like a dog here... I'm not an animal that needs praising at every single thing.' Sighing, I waited for her next order.

"Now then, say something you think the person you're looking at excels in!" She ordered.

I choked on my words, "Wh-What?" I sputtered out.

"Do it, Yoichi!" She barked, smacking me upside the head.

"Alright, alright! Shit woman, lay off a bit." I snapped.

I huffed out in annoyance and I looked over at Chojuro, "You're really skilled when it comes to handling swords. That's all I'm going to fucking say." I stated.

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