C3: Tardiness

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[ The photo above is Zuko. Ignore the Leaf Village symbol on the headband ]

Yoichi's View

Chojuro and I ran up beside Zuko and we all kept quiet for a good minute or two. It was normal seeing that we barely knew each other. I mean come on! Who the fuck would've known that we had a kid named Zuko in our class?! Not me, that's for sure.

I grinned at Zuko and took this as my chance to eye him. He had spiky brown hair and his Mist Village headband was in his forehead like most others had it; however, there was a small piece of hair that stuck out from under his headband, placed right in the center of his forehead. It gave him a menacing kind of look.

His eyes were a misty blue, maybe even a blue-green color. His menacing eyes were rimmed with a red paint of some sorts, giving him an even scarier look. I liked it...a lot. I smirked at the stud earring in his ear. 'Well then, isn't that interesting...' I noted, shoving my hands into my pockets. 'From what I've heard around the Village, getting your ear pierced means you've been with someone the same sex as your own.'

'And Zuko is a guy...'

I let out a loud laugh, scaring Chojuro and shocking Zuko. They both eyed me like I was crazy. I shook my head at them and smirked widely.

"Don't worry about me. I just found out some interesting sh- stuff." I stated, trying to avoid cursing. I didn't want to make a bad impression for Zuko.

I blinked and froze at what I was thinking. Was I actually worrying over giving Zuko a bad impression on myself?! What the hell am I thinking! I couldn't actually be trying to impress this damn guy, right? I let out a nervous chuckle. Yeah, no way that's happening. I think the weather's getting to me or something. Of course, I wasn't the only one who noticed my odd behavior. Chojuro was giving me a look that said, 'we-need-to-talk'. I clicked my tongue in annoyance, but nodded at him nonetheless.

He's my best friend. I can trust him, can't I?

Shrugging my shoulders at my thoughts, I walked ahead of the other two, as Zuko was the only thing on my mind.

Dear Jashin, what is wrong with me?


After we were all finished eating - which let me say was very awkward since no one dared to speak beside myself. I tried my best to start some sort of conversation up, but it always went through one ear and out the other with my teammates. I sighed and walked over to a small trashcan and tossed my garbage inside.

My lunch was the usual bento box Chojuro would make me. I chuckled evilly. Sometimes I felt like a married couple with him, of course he was the more feminine one while I was the manlier one.

'If only we were actually---'

"Oof!" I groaned out as I hit a light pole.

Zuko and Chojuro burst into a fit of laughter and shouted out a few insults and such. My face burned in embarrassment.


"What were you dreaming about, Yoichi? Kissing a pole?"

"I'm worried his brain is even worse than it already was..."

My eye twitched at Zuko's insult. Did he really need to bring my lack of intelligence into this? I sneered and flicked them both off.

"Shut the fuck up. I swear you two are idiots..." I muttered out with a shake of my head. I let out a sigh as they chuckled under their breath.

"We're idiots? Look at yourself, Yoichi." Zuko mused with his arms crossed, a smirk on his face.

I stuck my tongue out and pulled the skin from underneath my eye down.

"Now you're just acting childish." Chojuro stated with a smile.

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever floats your fucking boat." I muttered, walking on ahead in order to avoid further embarrassment. "Let's just get back to the damn academy already..."

They followed my lead and we made it to the academy in no time. We might have actually been early...no one was inside the room at all.

"Umm, Chojuro...how long was our lunch break?" I asked quietly and coldly.

"I think it was about-" Chojuro started.

"Thirty minutes." Zuko answered, cutting off Chojuro.

Chojuro clicked his tongue in response to Zuko cutting him off. He let out a deep breath and glanced over at Zuko before speaking once more.

"Why are you asking?" He asked curiously.

I ignored his question and clenched my fists tightly, grinding my teeth together in frustration. "And how much fucking time did we spend eating exactly?" I asked both of them.

Zuko shrugged, "I'm clueless at this point... All I know is that sensei sent us out for lunch around 12:30... So assuming that's right, we should be back in class at 1:00." He explained, eyeing me boredly. He placed a hand on his hip and whistled, "The question now is..."

"What time is it now?" I seethed out.

Chojuro glanced off to the side, spotting a clock inside a nearby shop. He walked over and immediately paled. I narrowed my eyes. 'Just as I thought...'

"Come on Chojuro, tell us. What time is it?" I asked again, faking my interest to his answer. I knew exactly what time it was and the situation we were in.

"1-1:30..." He stammered out shamefully.

Zuko's eyes widened, "Whoa, we're half and hour late." He gasped in awe.

An anger mark appeared on my forehead, "Oi! That's nothing to be gawking about! We're late for fucks sake! Do either of you even care?!" I shouted, shaking my fist at them.

They both glanced at each other and seemed to have the same answer. Looking over at me, they smiled and shrugged their shoulders nonchalantly.


Anime tears poured out of my eyes, "You guys are worthless! What are we going to do now!?" I whined.

Zuko blinked and started to walk on ahead. Chojuro and I rose an eyebrow at this. Zuko gave us a look that said, 'are-you-kidding-me'.

"Guys...we're better late than nothing." He said, trying his best to sound like an enthusiastic girl who always thought on the bright side.

I sweat dropped, "...I don't want to face our new sensei anymore..." I said.

Chojuro shook his head, "Shut up and walk." He stated, latching onto my arm, dragging me behind him.


"We're not, chill out, Yoichi. I bet our sensei will push this aside like nothing." Zuko stated, flashing me a smile.

I blushed fifty shades of red as my heart jumped out of my chest.

"Shut up..." I answered, quickly burying my face inside my shirt.

My face burned at the image of Zuko smiling at me. He really did have a cute smile.

'Dear Jashin, why is this boy so irresistible...!' I screamed in my mind, all my worries on being late vanishing in thin air and being replaced by an image of his wonderful smile.


A/N: Sorry for the extremely late update. I can't really give out an excuse besides saying I might have gotten a small case of writer's block. Still, pushing that aside, I hope you enjoyed this short chapter, which turned out to be a filler sort of thing.

Thanks for reading~

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