C2: Genin Teams

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A/N: Thanks for those of you who read the first chapter(s) and enjoyed it. Don't be afraid to leave any suggestions or questions in the comments down below!


[ Next Day ]

Yoichi's View

Chojuro was still ignoring me because of what I did yesterday. You know, the whole killing my classmate thing? He wasn't usually so quiet. No wait, I take that back. He was like this a lot seeing that Chojuro's a shy guy and all, but he's never ignored me long enough that I thought it was fucking weird and creepy.

I pouted and tugged at Chojuro's sleeve, "Ne, Chojuro... Are you really going to fucking ignore me all day?" I asked him, desperate for an answer. I didn't want my best friend to ignore me for who knows how long. 

I frowned and took in the fact that he wasn't going to talk to me. It hurt me just letting him do this, but I guess this was it. I glared at the ground as we were walking to the Mist's Academy that was nearby the Mizukage's office. We walked into the Academy as the lady at the front desk waved at us, saying hello like she normally did every morning. 

"Good morning, Chojuro, Yoichi." She said, nodding at us with a wide and kind smile on her face.

I smiled for her, "Hey, Yui-san!" I exclaimed, walking over to her. I noticed that Chojuro stopped and watched me walk over to her.

Yui-san smiled at me and tilted her head to the side when she looked over my shoulder at Chojuro. "Is Chojuro not going to get his meal today?" She asked me. 

I shook my head with a frown, "No, Yui-san... Chojuro isn't feeling good for some reason. I'll take it for him though, I'm sure he'll appreciate it." I offered. 

Yui-san nodded and glanced over at Chojuro one last time before she handed me the two lunch boxes that held our meal for today. It was always like this, Yui-san giving us a meal for the day with a giant smile. I never found out the reason why she started to do this for us, but I'm going to assume it's because of me... Ever since I first started to go into the Academy, I always skipped out on my meals since I didn't feel like eating anymore. I was teased so much for my sexuality that I had stopped eating for a month or so. However, that was until Yui-san stepped up for me and showed those bullies of mine who the boss was. That was Yui-san. I smiled at the faint memory of my 'hero' as I called her when I was younger. She really helped me grow courage to those who bullied me from then on. 

I looked down at the meals and grinned, "Thank you, Yui-san! I don't know how I'll ever repay!" I exclaimed, bowing in appreciation. 

Yui-san waved her hand at me as she smiled brightly, "Don't worry about paying me back, Yoichi. You've already paid that debt awhile ago. Trust me..." She muttered out softly.

I nodded with a large grin on my face, pushing away the fact that I didn't quite understand what she meant. When the hell did I pay her back? It makes no fucking sense... I shrugged my shoulders and turned around to head back to Chojuro. But before I did that, I waved back at Yui-san from over my shoulder. She waved back as I ran to Chojuro's side.

Once I was by his side, I glanced at Chojuro from the corner of my eye. He was still ignoring me from the looks of it. Perfect. I rolled my eyes and walked on ahead without him. 'Two can okay at that game, Chojuro-kun.' I thought, narrowing my eyes at out classroom door just ahead of us. 'I'll have you begging for me... Watch.'

Pushing the doors open, I let the sound of laughter fill my ears. I smirked at the unusual happiness that was in the room. As I took a few seconds to scan the room, I noticed that more than half of my classmates from before weren't here. 'Oh, they must've lost the Genin test. Well, weren't they fucking failures!' I thought, laughing out loud. I gained a few stares, but who cares. It was a normal thing for me anyways.

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