𝖈h. 002 ✷

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fourth year !

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fourth year !

'GRYFFINDOR LOCKER room 11pm sharp' the note said, followed by directions.

Audrey quietly roamed the halls of Hogwarts, she silently thanked fleur for covering for her.

Audrey stealthily made her way into the locker room, swiftly and silently shutting the door behind her.

"I thought you'd leave me hanging" Harry muttered, causing Audrey to jump slightly.

she turned around to see Harry sitting on one of the benches "sorry, i had fleur cover for me" she said as she walked over to him

"Sit" Harry said as he pats his lips, Audrey pursed her lips "im too... heavy harry.." she mumbled.

"Nonsense, sit."

she sank defeated onto his lap, Harry lifted her legs around his waist as he placed his hands on her hips "see." He said

Audrey pouts slightly before frowning, "what's the matter love?" Harry asked.

Audrey gripped onto Harry's shirt tightly, her voice quivering as she asked softly, "Did you.. did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire?"

"no, i couldn't even do it if i wanted to I'm not 17 remember" he said "yeah but your name is on the paper" Audrey said

harry sighed and pulled her close, their lips meeting in a soft and tender kiss, Audrey humming in response as she gently wrapped her arms around his neck.

As Harry's tongue gently caressed her lower lip, she eagerly granted him entry, tilting her head slightly to intensify the passionate kiss.

Harry's gaze lingered on Audrey as he slowly pulled away, taking a moment to appreciate her attire. "Have I ever told you how breathtaking you look in your nightwear?" he whispered in a breathy tone.

Audrey shyly checked her outfit before flashing a soft smile "a few times, yeah" she quietly admitted.

With a swift motion, Harry untied the string of her robe, observing as it unraveled and revealed her night gown

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With a swift motion, Harry untied the string of her robe, observing as it unraveled and revealed her night gown.

harry cupped her breasts through the soft fabric, evoking a satisfied exhale from the depths of Audrey's being.

"Can you sit up for a sec, Audrey?" Harry said, Audrey silently complied

harry unbuttoned his jeans and slid it as well as his boxers to his ankles, Audrey slid her panties to the side and looked at Harry, silently asking for permission.

With a subtle nod from Harry, Audrey guides him into her with precision, gradually descending, embracing their connection.

Harry's jaw dropped in astonishment as he let out an uncontrollable groan. Audrey's eyes rolled back in pleasure as his tip gently brushed against her cervix with its mushroom-like shape.

"Mhmm~" she whimpered softly as she wrapped her arms loosely around Harry's neck.

She raised her hips at her own rhythm, pressing her forehead against Harry's while his hands guided her at the waist.

"just like that," he grumbles as she quickens her stride. Harry smoothly glides his hand upward, caressing her chest and gently freeing her bosom from its confinement.

he gently took her left nipple in his mouth, eliciting a soft gasp to escape her lips, her hips momentarily faltering before resuming their rhythm "harry~" she whines as he released her nipple.

Harry wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close as they both settled back onto the bench. He lifted one leg onto the bench, while the other remained firmly on the ground.

Before Audrey could voice her questions, Harry plunged forward with a sudden urgency, thrusting into her at a brutal pace. her eyes widen as she rests her head against his right pec's.

harry gripped her waist and held her head as he thrust into her "oooh mmmyy godddd~" she moaned out.

"you like that?" Harry breathes out, her inner muscles tightened around Harry as he thrusts deep within her, indicating she was close "look at me"

Audrey shakily lifts her head up to meet Harry's intense gaze, teary eyes locking with his "I want to see you as you come undone on my cock as I fill you up completely" Harry breathes out" Harry breathes out

Audrey nods at Harry's words and starts moving her hips in sync with his, letting out soft whimpers as she tried her best not to make much noise.

"I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna-!" her breath caught in her throat as she moaned, her pleasure spilling all over Harry's length and down her thighs.

groaning softly harry held her hips in place as he came deep inside her "fuck!" Overwhelmed by the immense pressure, Audrey released a gentle whimper as her vision blurred, leaving her incapable of uttering a single word, while Harry gradually penetrated her before withdrawing.

he kissed her forehead "let me clean you up and take you back" he said softly, to which Audrey weakly nodded in acknowledgment.

jas' note :

UNEDITED ! please let me know if there's any grammatical/spelling errors

DON'T forget to vote & comment <3

AUDREY is on the chubby side — thick 🫶🏾!

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