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fourth year !

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fourth year !

AUDREY'S CHEEKS FLUSHED as Fleur gave her a sly smile, "You're limping, I believe you owe me a outing to Hogsmeade in return for safeguarding you," Fleur said.

Audrey feels a wave of embarrassment wash over her as she covers her face in her palms. "Is it that obvious? We can go after your first challenge," she mumbled softly.

Fleur chuckled softly, "Don't worry if anyone asks, you can just tell them you tripped and fell down the stairs at Hogwarts yesterday," she said.

Audrey smiled sheepishly "i suppose that works"

Audrey noticed Cedric walking along the corridors "Cedric!" She excitedly called out to the HufflePuff male.

Cedric turned with a smile and said, "Hey Audrey."

Audrey stopped before Cedric, her hands intertwined behind her back as she apologized, "I'm really sorry for not visiting this summer. I had made plans."

Cedric ruffled her hair "It's fine Drea, honestly, I'm relieved you didn't come this summer"

Audrey frowned at Cedric's words, her expression changing, and Cedric quickly added. "We went to the Quidditch World Cup, and right after that, the death eaters attacked, I wouldn't want you to get hurt"

Audrey pursed her lips "Why didn't you tell me that from the start? I thought you no longer enjoyed my company, Ced."

Cedric shook his head, his eyes filled with warmth, "I couldn't possibly despise the presence of my beloved cousin. You know you're like a sister to me." he said

Audrey smiled slightly before punching Cedric in the shoulder. "ouch!" Cedric groaned "that's for putting your name in the Goblet of fire" she said

She wrapped her arms around him "good luck, and please be careful," she said softly.

Cedric's expression softened at her words, his eyes filled with gratitude as he embraced her tightly, whispering, "Thank you, Drea. I will."

✩°𓏲⋆💒. ⋆⸜ 🪐✮˚

AUDREY WATCHED with bated breath as Harry emerged, witnessing the dragon toss him around like a rag doll before spewing flames at him.

A swishing sound filled her ears, prompting her to look up and wonder, 'A broom?'

she cheered as Harry leapt onto the broom and soared away, the sound of the chains breaking made her gulp nervously.

In an instant, the two vanished right above the professor's head.

Audrey anxiously picked at her skin, her nerves getting the best of her, while Fleur placed her hand atop Audrey's "he'll make it, i know he will" she whispers to herself

Audrey's heart leaped as she heard a faint swish, a smile making its way to her lips at the sight of Harry.

A roar of cheers filled the air as soon as he came into view.

Harry swiftly descends and seizes the egg.

✩°𓏲⋆💒. ⋆⸜ 🪐✮˚

WHILE FLEUR AND the other girls returned to the carriage, Audrey opted to extend her time at breakfast.

Fred and George, the Weasley twins, extended a invitation for her to join them for breakfast, which she happily accepted.

She really enjoyed their company. The way they completed each other's sentences always brought a smile to her face.

"Hi, Harry." Two voices said, As Audrey glanced up, her eyes caught another set of Gryffindor twins who were smiling warmly at Harry as they passed by.

She slightly pursed her lips at the sight, while Harry smiled and turned around to sip his juice from his goblet.

She glanced at Harry and found him locked in a gaze with a Ravenclaw girl. As he tried to reciprocate her smile, he ended up spitting out his juice in a rather unfortunate manner.

As her friends giggled at Harry, the girl offered him an apologetic smile. Audrey, standing up beside Percy, gracefully straightened her wrinkled skirt. "I must be on my way now, thank you for your hospitality, Mr. Weasley's ," she said with a slight smile.

"Bye Ms. Martir!" They said in unison as they both wore a smile

Without sparing Harry a single glance, Audrey turned on her heels and made her way out of the hall.

"blimey i reckon she's got a boyfriend much less a date" Ron muttered as Audrey exited the hall

Fred picked up a croissant and threw it at ron "watch it" George warned "what? I mean, just look at her compared to the rest of the Beauxbatons' - she stands out literally." Ron said with a shrug

Audrey walked alongside Fleur through the courtyard with the other Beauxbatons', her gaze fixed on Harry who smiled awkwardly at the three Beauxbaton girls

They turned around and walked away as Audrey and the other walked by Audrey cast a fleeting glance in his direction.

With just a fleeting glance at Harry, Fleur gently rested her hand on Audrey's lower back as they embarked on their journey.

While Audrey was quietly finishing her homework in the courtyard, she looked over and saw a familiar redhead sitting next to her, smiling.

"hey Ms. Martir," Fred greeted warmly with a smile, Audrey smiled back at him slightly, "hello Fred," she responded.

Fred let out a surprised gasp "can you actually tell who is who?" he asked, Audrey hummed with a slight smile "Yeah, I actually figured it out the first time you both spoke to me," she said.

Fred smiled "well Ms. Martir i have a question"

Audrey closed her notebook slowly and replied, "Of course, ask away."

"Wanna go to the Yule ball with me?" He asked, she turned to look at him and pondered "sure i don't see why not" she said

Fred smiled in triumph, "all right! I'll pick you up by the entrance M' lady"

Audrey hummed "I'll see you there Fred" she said

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