𝖈h. 008 ⭑

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fifth year !

Audrey smiled sheepishly at her mother. "I was worried sick, young lady!" Aurora said, gently pinching Audrey's cheeks. "She was comforting me.. Sorry, Ms. Martir," Harry said, speaking up from behind Audrey.

Aurora glanced at Harry and smiled softly. "Harry, how are you?" she asked as she hugged him. "I'm doing alright," Harry replied.

Molly walked out of the room and closed the door behind her "Harry." She said


"Heavens, you're all right," she said as she hugged Harry. Pulling back, she held his cheeks in her palm. "You're looking a bit peaky, but I'm afraid dinner will have to wait until after the meeting's finished," Molly said.

"Well, about that.."

"Nope. No time to explain. Straight upstairs, first door on the left." Molly instructed harry nods slightly and walked upstairs

"You too, Audrey. Your father and I will have a word with you later," Aurora said. Audrey sighed and reluctantly followed Harry.

When the adults were no longer within earshot, Harry's mischievous smile shifted in Audrey's direction. "Care to pick up where we left off?" he playfully inquired.

"In a house brimming with so many adults? Not a chance, Harry. Keep going," she hissed. Harry smirked and retorted, "What? Are you scared of a little risk?" he asked.

"No, but what I'm really dreading is my mom giving me 'the talk' for the second time," she said. Harry chuckled softly, "How did that go the first time?" he asked.

"She bought me a pack of condoms, a pregnancy test, and Plan B," Audrey said, shuddering slightly as the memories resurfaced.

"When was that?"

"last year.." audrey muttered

"Ever thought about opting for birth control?" Harry asked, his question causing Audrey to purse her lips and lock her gaze onto him with a slight glare. "After all the stunt you pulled at Hogwarts, I made up my mind to use them," she stated

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