𝖈h. 006 ✷

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fourth year !

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fourth year !

FLEUR WRAPPED HER arms around Audrey as they sat next to one another in the great hall.

"Today, we acknowledge... a really terrible loss. Cedric Difgory was, as you all know.... Exceptionally hard-working... infinitely fair minded.. and, most importantly.. a fierce, fierce friend." Dumbledore spoke

"Now, i think, therefore, you have the right to know exactly how he died. You see... Cedric diggory was murdered... by lord Voldemort!"

Audrey gripped them hem of her skirt as tears weld up in her eyes "the ministry of magic does not wish me to tell you this. But not to do so, i think, would be an insult to his memory." Dumbledore continued

"Now, the pain.. we all feel at this dreadful loss reminds me... and reminds us.. that while we may come from different places and speak in different tongues.. our hearts beat as one."

"In light of recent events... the bonds of friendship we've made this year will be more important than ever. Remember that, and Cedric diggory will not have died in vain."

Audrey stood up from her seat at the front, Fleur stared worriedly "Audrey.." she muttered, Audrey shook her head at Fleur and rushed out of the great hall in tears while Dumbledore continued his speech

"You remember that.. and we'll celebrate a boy who was.. kind and honest... and brave and true, right to the very end."

✩°𓏲⋆💒. ⋆⸜ 🪐✮˚

AS IT WAS TIME TO DISEMBARK Audrey walked alongside Fleur as they made their way over to ron.

Audrey stooped down slightly and kissed his cheek "Au revoir, Ron." Fleur spoke and kissed Ron's forehead ( goodbye, Ron )

Audrey waved goodbye to the ginger haired gryffindor with a slight smile, she turned to Fleur "I'm going to say goodbye to some other people alright" she said softly

Fleur nods "okay, take your time" she said

Audrey hums and maneuver her way through the crowed courtyard in search for her gryffindor friends, spotting Hermione she smiled "Hermione" she said

Hermione smiled "Audrey!", the two hugged a contented smile resting on their feature "im going to miss you" Audrey said softly

"I'm going to miss you too, im sorry for your loss.. i don't know your relations to Cedric but you two seem very close" Hermione said softly

Audrey tightens her hold on Hermione slightly "he is.. he was my older cousin" she said, hermione slowly pulled away and held Audrey's hands "my condolences.."

Audrey smiled sadly "it's alright.. you can always write to me whenever you need to" she said and handed Hermione a Beaxubatons paper

Hermione smiled once more and hugs Audrey "safe travel, I'll write to you when i get home" she said

Bidding her farewell with the bushy haired female Audrey turned in search for her other friends but ran into someone's chest "you should watch where you're going Ms. Martir" a familiar voice said

Audrey smiled slightly as she glanced up at to see the weasley twins "Mr. Weasley's" she said

"Ms. Martir" they said in sync, Audrey wrapped her arms around George "I'm going to miss you guys!" She said and hugged Fred "we're gonna miss you too" they replied

she hands them a Beaxubatons paper "owl me when you can alright" she said with a smile "will do" they said

she waved goodbye to the two and scanned the Courtyard

seeing the mop head she's searching for she rushed over "harry" she spoke, harry glanced up to see her jogging over "audrey"

She threw herself at harry, wrapping her arms around his shoulder as she buried her face in the crook of his neck, harry wrapped his arms around her waist.

"I'm.. im glad you're okay" she said in a hushed tone, harry held the back of her head gently "I'm sorry ... for your loss, i didn't know you were close with Cedric" he said

"it's.. it's okay... I'll be — I'll be already .. I'm visiting his family for quite some time this summer so my family and i won't be home, okay" Audrey said as she lift her head from Harry's shoulder

Harry's brows furrowed slightly "you two are really close.." Audrey pursed her lips as she stared at harry "he's my older cousin harry.." she said "oh.. my apologies.." he muttered

Audrey shook her head "it's alright, not many people know this" she muttered "you'll visit me when i get back home.. won't you?" She asked

harry smiled slightly "yeah.. i will" he said, she kissed his cheek slightly "adios, Harry" she whispered closely to his ears

Harry gripped her waist at the sound of her voice as his eyes fluttered shut "adios, love" he said softly

Audrey slowly pulled away from Harry's embrace, the sudden urge to kiss him felt strong, the two locked eyes for a while before Audrey turned on her heels and walked away.

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