𝖈h. 009 ⭑

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fifth year !

"WHAT?! WHY didn't you tell me any of this before?!" Audrey exclaimed, her gaze fixed on her mother. "Honey, it was supposed to be a surprise, actually. I know you don't have many friends at Beauxbatons, and Fleur graduated—"

"I only have Fleur, her sister and the headmistress." Audrey said, cutting her mother off

Aurora sighed softly as she watched Audrey rummage through her closet furiously. "As I was saying, since I knew Fleur would graduate, your father and I came to an agreement to let you attend Hogwarts. You seemed to have made friends there during your stay last year," Aurora said.

"Why did you wait until now to inform me about Harry's trial, Mama?"

"Because it's not in our hands, Audrey," Aurora states. "Well, I'll take matters into my own hands," Audrey said as she quickly changed her clothes.

"If no one else will support Harry through this trial with logic, then I will," she declares

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"If no one else will support Harry through this trial with logic, then I will," she declares. "Audrey..."

Audrey took her wand and went downstairs to the fireplace. She used the Floo Powder to quickly travel to the Ministry of Magic HQ. "She's just like me," Aurora muttered as she sat on the couch.

Her heels clicked crisply against the polished tile floor as she strode confidently towards the courtroom, pushing open the imposing doors.

"If the dementors are under the control of the Ministry of magic, how and why were there two dementors in the muggle world and in the proximity of harry at the time or is that a coincidence, Minister?" Audrey spoke as she walked to the center of the court room

"Pardon me, but who are you?" the minister asked. "Audrey Martir, but that's irrelevant. My question to you, Minister, is this: if I had been the one to stumble upon the dementors and use the Patronus Charm, would you have expelled me from Beauxbatons?" she asked.

"How old is she?" He asked one of the undersecretary "17 sir" one replied

The minister glanced at Audrey and said, "You would receive a warning." Audrey hummed and responded, "If you didn't know, Mr. Potter is 17. So why is he being expelled? His birthday was just a couple of weeks ago."

With her hands intertwined behind her back, she walked around, stating firmly, "Immediately expelling someone without hearing the victims' side is absolutely nonsense." Dumbledore then placed his hands on her shoulders.

"Why were the two dementors so very far from Azkaban and why they mounted an attack without authorization." Dumbledore spoke

"Of course there is someone who might be behind the attack. Cornelius, i implore you to see reason. The evidence that the dark lord has returned is incontrovertible."

"He hasn't returned," stated the minister. Audrey scoffed at his remark and distanced herself from Dumbledore's reach.

"In the matter of Harry Potter .. the law clearly states, that magic may be used before muggles in life-threatening situations." Audrey spoke

"Laws can be changed if necessary, Ms. Martir."

"Clearly. Has it become practical hold a full criminal trail.. to deal with simple matter of 'underage magic?'" She asked

The undersecretary's glanced around, causing Audrey to hold her head high as she made her point clear, "those in favor of conviction?" asked the undersecretary in a black suit.

The minister and a few other undersecretary raised their hands "those in favor of clearing the accused of all charges?"

A vast majority of the undersecretaries enthusiastically raised their hands, including Miss Figg, who lowers hers. The undersecretary who spoke up also eagerly joined in, raising her hand.

Realizing he was outnumbered, the minister let out a sigh before solemnly declaring, "cleared of all charges," as he struck the gavel against the wood.

Dumbledore nods at Audrey and left "professor." Harry spoke and watched as Dumbledore left

Audrey escorted Miss Figg out and Harry trailed after them "it's good to see you Miss Figg" she said with a smile

miss Figg smiled at her "it's good to see you too Audrey"


Audrey enveloped her arms around Harry's neck. "I'm so relieved that everything turned out fine," she whispered gently. Harry reciprocated by embracing her waist. "Thank you, Audrey. I can't fathom how I would have managed without you and Dumbledore," he expressed.

The two stole a brief and secret moment, glancing furtively around them before their lips met in a passionate kiss. With a mischievous chuckle, she declared, "I would have gone to any lengths to prove your innocence, even if it meant intimidating him."

With a smile, Harry responded to her words, "If that were to happen, you would face expulsion from Beauxbatons and be promptly arrested." Audrey quickly shook her head in disagreement.

"What truly matters is that all your charges have been cleared, allowing you to attend Hogwarts!" she exclaimed.

Harry kissed her lips once more. "Thank you," he whispered against her lips. "Anytime," she replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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