𝘌𝘱𝘪𝘴𝘰𝘥𝘦 12

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Chan walked into the classroom expecting to see his friends goofing around but only Minho and Hyunjin were there. And Minho was currently trying to stab Hyunjin with a pair of scissors. Oddly enough, no one in the class seemed affected by their actions.

"You fuck face!! How dare you run away after I spent money on ice cream for the both of us?!" Minho shouted at Hyunjin who was fighting for his life by holding Minho's hands back.

"I still have a life to live! I want to become an art major!!" Hyunjin cried out and then he spotted Chan shaking his head at the two, "Uhm hello?! Help me!!" Hyunjin said and Chan put his bag down by his seat and went towards the two, pulling Minho away from Hyunjin who let out a sigh of relief.

"Where's the rest of the children?" Chan asked and Minho shrugged and so did Hyunjin causing him to sigh and take out his phone.

The 'Adult'
Children. Where are you

Scary Fox
Don't piss your pants
old man. Me and Felix
hyung are almost there. -_-

Lol, 'old man'

Chan rolled his eyes at the youngers text message as Hyunjin and Minho started laughing at it.

If you and Felix are on 
your way then...

Where's the pig at?

Scary Fox
Oh yeah, he's here too.

Oh alright

Makes sense

Okay first of all, I am not
a pig. And secondly, how in
world could you have forgotten 
that I was walking RIGHT next to you?!

Scary Fox
Guess you're not
that important😊

Watch your back kid.

Scary Fox
I'd watch yours Mr. my
spare key is under the mat

Felix stopped in tracks looking at the message Jeongin sent, Changbin and Jeongin to stopped. Felix gave Changbin a very concerned look but the older just shrugged making Felix roll his eyes and continue walking down the wall way with the the others following him.

Binnie hyung, that's

Yeah idiot, have fun getting
robbed lmao

The 'Adult'


The 'Adult'
Never mind, I'm not
even going to ask.

Chan hyung just
let out the most grand
father sigh

Scary Fox
Well he is one so..


Guess don't bully Chan

The 'Adult'
Thanks Changbin

He's already stressing, did you
see the way his knees gave out
yesterday in pe? Don't add more stress guys

Aw man, we're sorry hyung

Yeah man

Sorry hyung(?) :(

Scary Fox
Who the fuck is 'we'?
I barley said shit

The 'Adult'
I give up..

Scary Fox
Wait, is Seungmin in
class yet?


Oh yeah neither is Jisung

My baby isn't there? :(



The three that were walking in the hallway suddenly stopped texting in the group chat but Chan, Minho and Hyunjin just shrugged it off. And a few minutes later, the missing three walked into the classroom. But of course not like how normal people would. For some reason Felix was on Changbin's back.

"You guys are so fucking dramatic." Jeongin rolled his eyes as he walked to his seat to put his bag down, and then walked back to his friends.

"What the hell happened?" Minho asked, looking at the couple judgingly.

"A rat passed the hallway and Felix hyung pissed himself about it." Jeongin explained rolling his eyes, but his friends all looked at him confused, "Not literally. His pants are fine, but he's 'traumatized'." 


"Baby...it was the size of a ping pong ball.." Changbin said while putting his boyfriend down.

"But it was fast.." Felix pouted.

Suddenly the classroom door opened revealing Jisung who had his face in his phone as he tried to close the door back without looking at it.

"Hey guys." He said still focusing on his phone.

"Hey!" Felix smiled and for some reason Jisung must have sensed it because he looked up from his phone and smiled right back at Felix.

Jisung went right back to being attached to his phone while walking to his seat but unfortunately for him someone's bag was on the floor causing him to almost face plant himself in the floor. But someone grabbed his arm to hold him from falling.

"Watch out idiot." Hyunjin said letting go of Jisung's arm after he gained his balance.

"It's not my fault, whoever but their bag there is an asshole." Jisung said still not taking his eyes off his phone.

Changbin, who was the culprit of the bag, moved it out the way incase the incident happened to anyone else. "What's so important on your phone anyway?" Minho asked and the rest of them looked at Jisung for an answer.

"Some motherfucker took the last cheesecake this morning and now I'm waiting for the bakery to restock so I can reserve it all." Jisung said smiling.

"A stomachache waiting to happen." Jeongin sighed, "Anyways, where's Seungmin? I would like to heal myself from you weirdos." He said.

Some got offended and others shrugged at his question. Meanwhile Minho was slightly worried about the younger, especially after last night's events. Seungmin completely disappeared after he was literally attacked by a bunch of freshmen. What if something happened to him? Minho should have been a little less nervous to ask to walk him home, maybe this situation wouldn't be-

"Oh." Jisung suddenly said, "I remember seeing him somewhere in the hallway with this other kid. I'm not sure what happened to him but.." Jisung just so happened to look out the classroom window, "Oh hey, isn't that him?" He said pointing out the window.

The rest the friend group went to the window and saw Seungmin running while dragging another person with him.

"Oh yeah it is, but who's that?" Felix asked.

"Maybe he made a friend?" Changbin shrugged.

"He doesn't talk hyung, how the hell would that happened?" Hyunjin asked but received a smack on his arm from Jeongin.

"Well Jeongin wants to be friends with him, so what's the difference?" Felix asked, and Chan agreed.

"I think the question we should be asking is...what the fuck are the running from?" Jeongin asked as he watched the two run across the field.

"Stop cursing!!" Chan shouted making the friends flinch and Jeongin roll his eyes.

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