𝘌𝘱𝘪𝘴𝘰𝘥𝘦 14

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The teacher finally left the room and all the students immediately either started talking or heading to lunch. Jeongin however, had questions for Seungmin, who was completely oblivious to the boy staring at him.

Jeongin cleared his throat once, but there was no reaction. Seungmin just continued to look through his bag. Second time and still gave no response not even a glance. Jeongin rolled his eyes at the boy being oblivious, "Seungmin!" He suddenly shouted making Seungmin flinch and look at the boy in shock and confusion. 

Seungmin blinked a few times while Jeongin continued to look at him, but never said anything until a few seconds later he smiled. And that smile kind of freaked Seungmin out... "How was your morning cutie?" Jeongin asked.

Seungmin nodded indicating that it went well, aside from the fact that he had to run and explain to someone about himself, it was pretty good. "Anything interesting happen?" Jeongin asked and Seungmin thought for a second before shaking his head, "Are you sure?" Jeongin asked again, not convinced. Seungmin nodded his head, "Are you absolutely positively su-"

"Hey Seungmin!" Hyunjin said popping up out of nowhere interrupting Jeongin who glared at the boy, "Why were you running this morning? Are you okay?" Hyunjin asked.

Seungmin looked at him confused before Jisung also popped out of nowhere, "Yeah, and who was that kid? He seemed adorable." Jisung smiled and Hyunjin looked at him with a judgmental look.

"You could barley see his face." Hyunjin said rolling his eyes.

"Yeah but his...figure? Was cute." Jisung said.

"So you have a figure fetish?" Hyunjin asked with his eyebrows knitted together.

Jisung gave a confused panicked look, "What? No..what the fuck does that even mean?" he asked.

Hyunjin shrugged, "It just sounds like something you'd have." He said making Jisung offended.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Jisung asked.

"Why are you being defensive if you don't have a figure fetish? If you don't, then just leave it alone." Hyunjin stated.

"Okay, stop saying figure fetish! It's not a real word you idiot!" Jisung argued.

The two kept bickering in front of Jeongin and Seungmin's desk making Jeongin roll his eyes and get up from his seat, "Oh my gosh! Just kiss already, shit!" Jeongin said looking at the two that stopped bickering because of the younger statement. "Now move, I'm fucking starving." Jeongin said grabbing Seungmin along with him.

Seungmin ended up with seven extra people at him table...again. To Seungmin this was very strange. The seven boys in his class were once again sitting with him when he doesn't even talk. Don't they find him, boring? 

Jeongin ended up asking him some questions about himself, like favorite animals and stuff, to which Seungmin responded, puppies. And then everyone started to stare at him only to say he looked like one. 

"So cutie! Are yo-"

Jeongin got cut off by a tray being placed on the table next the Seungmin, "Hi hyung!" The person smiled. Seungmin looked up and saw Beomgyu smiling while sitting next to him. 

Everyone else at the table was slightly confused about the new person at their table. And Jeongin was slightly pissed off, "Did he just cut me off?" Jeongin mumbled to himself making Felix smile.

"Don't worry about it Innie! He probably didn't hear you talking, it's okay." Felix said making sure that the younger didn't end up making a scene because of the random boy.

Beomgyu looked around the table and saw a bunch of unfamiliar faces looking at him, "Oh! Sorry! I'm Beomgyu, Seungmin hyung's friend!" He said swinging his arm around Seungmin's shoulder, who ended up chocking on his grape due to the sudden touch.

"This guy.." Jeongin mumbled to himself, "Are you finished now? I was speaking before you turned up. Uninvited by the way." He said plainly with a sarcastic smile.

"Oh, right! I'm sorry! Continue~" Beomgyu said with another smile.

Jeongin rolled him eyes, "Like I was saying, are you excited for today's experiment cutie." He asked Seungmin, who hesitantly nodded forgetting that they already had an experiment to do. Jeongin smiled, "Wanna-"

"You have a experiment too hyung?" Beomgyu asked, "I didn't know it was the same for other classes...I just thought the teacher was being a bitch to give us an experiment on the second day of school." He shrugged, and Seungmin slightly smiled at his statement.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me..." Jeongin said to himself, "I'm sorry, but how did you and Seungmin even become friends?" He asked.

Beomgyu's smile suddenly slowly dropped and his arura got a little less bright, "Well, I have these...'friends'. They drag me along in their stupid activities and use me as their piggy bank to by shit they can't afford. And last night they dragged me to find someone to buy them some drinks and...Seungmin hyung was that person." He said.

"So you became friends with a bad influence on your second day of school cutie?" Jeongin asked.

"No no no!" Beomgyu said, "I don't drink and stuff! Just them..." He said.

Then another person the table let out a sound in realization, "Ahh...I remember." Minho said and then everyone looked at him, "I was walking home after the leech left me in the convenience store." He said glaring at Hyunjin, "Then I saw this group of kids bothering Seungmin for drinks." He said.

"Ohhh, so that's what you did with the extra ice cream, huh?" Hyunjin asked teasingly.

"Shut up leech." Minho said.

"Oh yeah! You're the one that kicked the shit out of Nathan!" Beomgyu smiled, "That you for your service sir." He jokingly saluted, making everyone else at the table laugh.

"No problem." Minho said.

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