𝘌𝘱𝘪𝘴𝘰𝘥𝘦 23

246 18 21

What's Gucci Mongs? I'm back!

The two idiots have been sitting in Minho's living room for the past 20 minutes, possibly more, in silence since Seungmin got there. Well, that is after Seungmin told him about how he had a little fight with his brother about the stupid rule, but of course he didn't tell him everything. It's not like he had to anyway. The only reason he told Beomgyu was because Beomgyu saw what happened.

When Seungmin tried to leave Minho told him it was best to stay the night since it was so late. Of course there was a bit of bickering before the two came to the conclusion that Seungmin will in fact stay. 

Minho cleared his throat breaking the silence, "So...What's your favorite color?" He said, half questioning Seungmin and half questioning himself for such a dumbass question.

Seungmin looked at Minho as he petted Soonie, "That's funny...Yeosang hyung asked me the same thing earlier." He said with a slight laugh. Minho slightly chuckled too but awkwardly as he still felt stupid for asking the question. "It's purple." He said with a smile.

Minho nodded his head, "Can I ask why...?" He said and Seungmin gave him a confused look.

"There has to be a reason why?" Seungmin asked.

"Well not necessarily, but most people have a reason." Minho shrugged.

"What's your favorite color?" Seungmin asked.

"Mint." Minho responded with a smile.


Minho sighed, "The last thing my dad gave me before he passed was notebook, with a mint cover. He got it one day when I came home from school upset, because neither of my parents came to the school event and everyone else's did. And my dad said to never loose, and to use to curse them out whenever I was angry, or just use it to rant out feelings." Minho smiled.

"So a diary?" Seungmin asked.

"I guess you could say that." Minho said with a slight chuckle before picking up his phone, "HOLY SHIT!" He accidently yelled, making Seungmin flinch and Soonie was completely unfazed. "It's like twelve in the morning!" He said.

"Oh." Seungmin said as he also didn't notice how late it was, "Well..." He said awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

"You can take my room, I'm gonna sleep in my moms." Minho said with a smile.

"No no, it's okay! I'll sleep here. On the couch." Seungmin said, not wanting to invade the olders space.

"I wasn't really asking." Minho shrugged while getting up from the floor, "C'mon, I'll show you the room!" He said, making Seungmin lightly place Soonie on the floor before getting up and followed Minho.

Minho was excited for Seungmin to see his nicely decorated room that he spent...all..of his money on. But he was proud of it, very comfortable, and that's all the matter.

"Here it is!" Minho smiled as the two stood in front of the room door.

They stood there for a minute before Seungmin decided to say something, "So..are we gonna open the door..? Or just stand here?" He asked.

"Oh, right." Minho let out a nervous chuckle, "You can open it, the visual of the room is more surprising when you're the first person to enter.

Seungmin nodded and reached out for the door knob and Minho was very excited. Yeah his friends have seen his room, but he doesn't have a crush on them so it's different. He felt estactic, thinking about how Seungmin would react when he sees how nice and organized his room was, which would make him a step closer to him.

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