To Russia We Go

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Noah was at the table since the doctors and nurses were making sure Celeste was ok. The guy was talking about what weaponry they were building up to. "How's Deck and Cel?" Luke asked. The guy looked over to Luke and Noah saying, "Deck didn't make it. The nurses and Doctors are still with Celeste making sure that her and the twins are ok." Noah looked up when he heard this and said, "Wait what?" Mr. Nobody smiled patting Noah's shoulder and said, "Congratulations. You're having twins. A boy and a girl." Letty smiled, running over to Noah hugging him as Noah started to have tears in his eyes and said, "I can't believe that I am gonna have a son and daughter." Then the door opens to see Celeste walking over to Noah as he ran over to her and hugged her. "We're having twins Noah! Dominic and Estelle."

Suddenly, they heard a smash and the key door was broken, making everyone smile. The guy looked over at Celeste and Noah. "Your car that you love is fixed. Your mom told me why you love it so much." Letty walked over to her future son in law and daughter and said, "What are the full names of the bundles of joy?" Celeste smiled and said, "Dominic Luke Toretto and Estelle Leticia Toretto." Letty smiled and said, "Those are beautiful names Mija." The guy then yelled out. "Alright guys suit up!" Everyone went to their cars and headed onto the ship to head to Russia. 

The team was in the mountain tops watching down below

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The team was in the mountain tops watching down below. As Luke looked over to the Toretto girls and said, "Letty, I don't like telling you this. First it was about getting Dom. But if I have to, I will take him down." Celeste looked over at Luke furious as Letty said, "You'll have to take me and Dom down." Celeste walked away as Luke saw how furious Celeste was. So, he got up and walked toward Celeste, putting a hand on her shoulder as she looked up. "It's gonna be my last option Cel. I promise you." Celeste looked at Hobbs and said, "I look up to you, Brian, and my dad. I'm naming my kids name after you and dad. Please, please don't hurt him." 


The Troubling Life of Celeste TorettoWhere stories live. Discover now