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Main Characters:

Vanessa Walker-Bennett, Our wonderful main character

Lauren Bennet, Her younger sister

Oliver Bennet, Her younger brother

A love interest (?) or multiple (?)

Many others to meet! (Eventually)

The Ted lasso cast

Playlist, without spoilers:

Ain't it fun, by Paramore

A little bit happy, by TALK

A Place To Call Home, by Big Wreck

Trust Issues, by Emei

The Man, By Taylor Swift

Home, by Texas King

Authors notes:

- Hi! I'm glad you saw my story and decided yes, I want to read that.
- I believe I should clarify the love interest isn't one of the team members or main characters (at least for Vanessa it isn't *wink wink*).
- I made Vanessa Canadian, mostly because I am Canadian and then I can use Canadian words like Toque, and the other part if why... is cause I made her up and I can do whatever I want with her. But if I ever use a Canadian slang term and you don't know what I'm saying just let me know cause we talk a lot of nonsense here.
- I will do my very best to update as much as I can! I am a high school student and i need to watch the episodes as I write the chapters to avoid messing up important stuff n deets.
- As the story progresses i will be giving you guys more songs on the playlist, i do encourage you guys to listen to them cause they will always be awesome songs!
- I hope you bear with my mess and enjoy the story!

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