11 - A Half Eaten Bisuit

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Jamie Tartt leaving was potentially both the worst, and the best thing for the team. When it came to moral and energy in the locker room it was definitely better, but without him on the pitch, Richmond might be in trouble.

It was bittersweet for Nessa, as much as he was an ass she knew that he wanted to be better. Maybe if he had a chance he would have been at least a little bit nicer. Maybe they could have been friends. Wow, she needed more of those.

She hesitantly knocked on the door in front of her, she wasn't sure how she was going to say what she needed to say, but winging it has never really failed anyone has it?

"Come in." Rebecca Welton's voice answered, she seemed tired, annoyed, and possibly slightly pissed, but she invited her in so she can't have been in a too bad mood, right? We'll see.

The office was really quite nice, the door didn't creak when it opened, the windows were crystal clear, the carpet was pristine, and the desk was tidy.

"I'm sorry to bother you Ms. Welton, but uh, my names Nessa, Vanessa Walker-Bennet, I uh was recently hired to do analytics for the team." Subconsciously saying the first part of her hyphenated last name quieter, she'd been doing it so long she didn't even realize anymore. She stayed just in front of the door way, hesitant to over stay her welcome.

"Yes, I know who you are! Come in and sit down!" Ms. Welton waved her over, pointing at a chair in front of her desk and eating a rectangular biscuit.

"Oh, ok, sorry." She gently let the door close, but still leaving it a few centimetres open. As Nessa wanders over to the comfortable chair she catches a glimpse of the practice happening out the window on the pitch.

"What is it you need dear?" Ms. Welton asks, placing her half eaten biscuit into a small pink box and folding her hands in front of her.

"Well, I wanted to ask you a question. But I don't want to overstep or say something that's not my place... well I it might be, but it's a, a fair question. I'd like to think." Nessa fumbled more on her words than normal, but less than the few occasions she would talk with the club's previous owner, and Rebecca's ex husband, Rupert Manion. Rebecca was intimidating, but Rupert was a disgusting, so this was a good change.

"Well go ahead, please, ask away!" Ms. Welton sounded encouraging. Vanessa took a deep breath,

"Why did you let Jamie go?" The room was silent for a second, not just silence, awkward silence. "Because I know Ted probably asked this but I'm curious, and yeah Manchester city wanted him back but like, you are Rebeca Welton. You shouldn't let others decide what is good or bad for your club and what happens here, that's your choice..."

"Manchester city called him back. There was nothing I could do even if I wanted to." Ms. Welton glanced to the side to look out on the field, "and I thought Ted wanted him gone, and the I did what I thought was best."

"You wanted him gone?" Vanessa asks, only a second or two after Rebecca stoped talking, potentially interrupting.


"Well you said that you couldn't stop him from going even if you wanted to, meaning you didn't want to. You wanted him gone." Vanessa explained, probably too much. Was she reading into what Ms. Welton had said too much? Was she mid interpreting the interaction? She had never been great with people, this wouldn't have been the first time she had misjudged something someone said.

"Well, that's not what I meant. But I trust my judgement, and you should to." Ms. Welton brushed a small amount of crumbs off her desk. "And what was it that you just said, that I shouldn't let others decide what is right for my team? Are you an exception to that?"

"Uh... sorry. I didn't mean it like that. Really the only way to see if it was the right choice is to see how they play, but I'm sure it was, Miss. I think I just needed an explanation, but that's unfair of me... I guess. You made the best of a tough situation, I- I respect that." The words spilled out like soup broth in a colander. Vanessa stood up slowly. "Thank you for you time." She turned to leave.

"I hope we can speak again under better circumstances Ms. Walker-Bennet." Was the last time Vanessa heard before she closed the door to Rebecca Weltons office behind her.


Omg guys it's been a month im so sorry.

I got really into the Percy Jackson books and read all 15 + the sun and the star and I'm about to start chalice of the gods. Omg I love pjo sm now.

But I come back to almost 40 votes and almost 1000 reads 🤯! And so many ppl saving it I actually feel so happy rn thank you all so much! I'm glad people are enjoying it!

I wrote half of this a month ago and the second half like at midnight so it's not perfect but I feel bad leaving you all so long I'm going to give it to you now.

I'll try to do better from now on 💪 (please don't be mad I'm in high school and I have way to many hobby's and extracurriculars I'm a busy person gang)


Oh and here's some new songs from the playlist!

Honeypie by JAWNY


Too Precious by Em Beihold


Have a great day!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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