5 - He's here! He's there!

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"Jamie! How many times do I got to tell you to make that extra pass!" Ted was holding the ball in his hand, having just grabbed it out of the air before it could go in the net, which is where it was going. "Come on, Sam was more open than the jar of peanut butter on my counter."

Nessa looks back down at her notes, trying to ignore the fact that Ted keeps open condiments on his counter. She'd been to one training session before this and it was great, she got to properly measure things like speed and accuracy, only slightly frustrated by her previously inaccurate numbers.

"Practice is cancelled." She looks up to see Ted running across the field, a very long run. At the other end of the pitch was a woman and a small boy who was 7 or 8. She remembered earlier when she overheard Ted talking about his family coming to visit from America, this must be them.

"That's a lot longer run than he thinks though." Nathan says, standing beside her on her folding lawn chair.

"Metaphor." Coach Beard didn't say much, but Nessa liked him, and she had a feeling he didn't dislike her presence either.

The players walk by them to head in and a couple stop to try and peek at her notes. Instinctively she lifts the notebook and clipboard up, hiding the numbers against her cropped blue hoodie.

"Are we not allowed to see them?" Sam asks, a bit disappointed.

"Pleaseeeeee..." The player with #12, Hughes, begs, pushing his lip out slightly to pout.

"Just a little peek?" #8, who's name she knew was something French.

"Fine." Nessa laughs, the team was funny, it was nice to see them in a different context than during the games. They were actually really great to be around. "If you can understand my messy organization then go ahead." Her last teachers and professors often told her that the way she arranged her work was confusing and odd, but it made complete sense to her so it worked fine.

"Oi, leave her alone, go shower you smell like piss!" The unmistakably recognizable voice of Roy Kent echos out from behind the small crowd around her. "Vanessa, give us a summary so these stinky twats can leave you alone."

She has to purse her lips to keep from laughing, something about his demeanour is hilarious.

"Summary. Collectively you guys tire fast, a rate approximately 4.6% faster than other teams, and need to communicate better, there's not a number for that it's just a fact. Also, that play where you try and pass through two people works in training occasionally, but in a game there's too many variables, only approximately a 13.6% chance it would actually work, and that's probably a bit generous." She looks up, most of the faces full on confused, others just slightly confused. "And Mr. Kent was right, you guys smell like a dumpster." Gaining a few laughs and a grunt of... agreement? Support? From the captain.

"Alright, get out of here." The team scatters on command, heading to the locker room to change, and hopefully shower. All of a sudden he's right in front of her, holding his hand out to shake. "Roy."

She accepts his hand shake "Nessa."


Guys yay dynamics.

I am so exited to get into the group dynamics and the team finally cause yes I love them. They are such a little family and I love it.

I don't have question this time but yeah

Have a nice day hope you enjoyed!

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