1 - Nice to meet you... Tom...?

297 4 0

Vanessa Walker-Bennett likes numbers. Numbers are consistent, numbers will always be numbers, their value doesn't change, two, will always equal two. Math deals with absolutes, and Vanessa liked that.

Many people would say that it's weird, some called her a nerd back in middle and elementary school. She chose to think they were jealous of the fact she was good at math. They were not.

Some people say that the way she thinks of numbers is a result of her childhood experiences, her response was always the same,

"I'm just smart"

But in reality, they were probably at least a little right.

Many people go to university to get the education they need for the workforce or whatever career they aspired to go into. Vanessa went to university to work with numbers, and statistics, she had no idea what she wanted to do when she graduated, which was soon as it was her last year. And that terrified her.

Currently she held a job at a local football club, AFC Richmond, she sold merchandise and snacks every home game, it wasn't much but for her it's all she needed at the moment, and it gave her time to do her homework during the game. She could watch the game through a tv in the corner of the booth, she knew every team members name, or at least a version of it. Vanessa had trouble remembering people's names so she resorted to nicknames, she could actually remember those.

Vanessa sat in her spot, the spot where she sat every game, in the corner of her booth on a stool, her homework sitting in front of her. Few games had passed and the team had team had not been doing well, but she didn't care much if she was honest, she enjoyed watching anyway and it didn't affect her pay check.

She etched a few last numbers onto her notebook, closing it and setting it on the small counter beside her on top of a massive textbook. It was time to set up the booth.

She pulled the string that lifts the garage door like cover and started setting up the usual display, a couple jerseys for select players, and some with blank backs, the player name and numbers were more expensive though. She set up a small section of "we are Richmond" mugs, and a verity of other random trinkets with a Richmond logo. 

"Oh, well hello there." A voice called out startling her out of her usual motions.

"We're closed. Come back in 15 minutes." She replied in an expressionless voice, not looking up from her counting the hold cash in the register.

"Oh, is that when we open our booths, interesting.  Well, I am not looking to buy anything I'm just looking for directions, this place is like a mirror maze, but without the mirrors and screaming children. Actually maybe with the screaming children." The man's voice carried an accent she hadn't  heard before, and sounded friendly and frankly, quite familiar.

"Richmond club opens the booth one hour before the game," She looked up, and saw his moustache, realizing why she recognized him. "Oh, sorry... sir, new coach, Mr.Lasso. I'm used to angry football fans trying to beat the customer rush."

"Oh no worries dear, but hey do you know where I can find Higgins office? Im still trying to find my way around here" The new coach... Tom? Tim? Tod? She had no clue.

"Sorry I just come in, unlock my door and sell stuff, if I get low on something I send an email to Higgins, I've never been to his office." She gestures the small area around her behind the counter, jerseys and hoodies on hangers behind her. "I hope you find it though Mr. Lasso, or should I call you Coach Lasso?" She wasn't used to this kind of interaction at work, the old coach only spoke to her once or twice,and only ever to make a comment about how much she did or didn't sell, what a dick.

"Oh well, that's alright, I'll find my way. But before I go, I never got your name. You know my name so of course I have to know yours" He leans against the counter. She did not know his name, but she chose to keep that to herself.

"Oh uh, I'm Vanessa." This new coach perplexed her, but she liked that, and she had a feeling that things around here would be changing a lot more than they ever had before.



Inertia, by AJR

Hey hey, hope you enjoyed the first chapter. I tried to show a bit about Nessas character without revealing to much, some stuffs gotta be a mystery right?


See yall later

Numbers - A Ted Lasso OC Story  Where stories live. Discover now