Character profiles

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The characters that are non canon characters, taht I made up, nor character profiles will be added as I introduce more of them! (I want to give credit to the picrew ( ) for the images, it's an incredible picrew and the artist is wonderful. This may be temporary until I draw them another day when I have time)

Vanessa Walker-Bennet - Our Wonderful MC
A 4th year University student studying statistics, living in London.

Most Common Nickname: NessaFavourite Colour: OrangeFavourite Sweet: Anything mint chocolate Bonus Fact: She's allergic to basically all Seafood and Shellfish

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Most Common Nickname: Nessa
Favourite Colour: Orange
Favourite Sweet: Anything mint chocolate
Bonus Fact: She's allergic to basically all Seafood and Shellfish.

Lauren Bennett
A 3rd year art school university student studying painting, living in Canada

Relationship to mc: Sister Assigned Nickname by Vanessa: RenFavourite Colour: Purple Favourite Sweet: Tiramisu Bonus Fact: She has played Soccer almost her whole life

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Relationship to mc: Sister
Assigned Nickname by Vanessa: Ren
Favourite Colour: Purple
Favourite Sweet: Tiramisu
Bonus Fact: She has played Soccer almost her whole life.

Oliver Bennett
A hockey loving high schooler in grade 12, living in Canada.

Relationship to mc: BrotherAssigned nickname by Vanessa: OliiFavourite Colour: GreenFavourite Sweet: Bubble gum Bonus fact: He has never had a cavity

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Relationship to mc: Brother
Assigned nickname by Vanessa: Olii
Favourite Colour: Green
Favourite Sweet: Bubble gum
Bonus fact: He has never had a cavity.
Tom Bennett
A 51 year old real estate agent, living in Canada

Relationship to mc: Dad (through adoption)Favourite Colour: Yellow, or GreenFavourite Sweet: His Homemade Nanaimo Bars  Bonus Fact: He has 6 kids

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Relationship to mc: Dad (through adoption)
Favourite Colour: Yellow, or Green
Favourite Sweet: His Homemade Nanaimo Bars
Bonus Fact: He has 6 kids.


That's the three characters you get to meet... at the beginning I'll add and update character profiles as we progress though our story. If you ever have questions about any character I will love to answer them!

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