7 - The Giant Peach

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"Dad! Guess what!" Nessa exclaimed as her dad's lively face appeared on her computer screen.

"There's my girl! You seem excited, what's up?" He said, his cheerful voice brightening up her already great day.

"I know that I was trying to figure out what to do after university, and I know that I said I was going to come home..." she trailed off, not knowing how to break it to her dad, who she would do anything for as he has done everything for her.

"But you want to stay." He was always like this, he always knew exactly what she was going to say, almost as soon as she decided to say it.

"Well it's not that... No it is." She laughed to herself. She loved her dad, and she loved her family, but she had to stay. "I got offered a job, it's part time right now but once I graduate it will move to full time, and it's steady and the pay is... awesome, and I can use my degree and-"

"Vanessa, you're rambling. Take a deep breath." He always knew what to say, "It's okay, we all understand, and I just want you to be happy, happy and safe. This job sounds wonderful, and I am so proud of you." He smiled, his attention being drawn away as a small child jumps up on his lap waving profusely and sticking her face in the camera.

"Vanny, Vanny, guess what!" The small child practically chanted, a ball full of energy as always.

"Hi Cee Cee, It's good to see you!" Chloe was the most adorable thing, freckles, dimples, and a high braid on the top of her head.

"You know in 4 days, you know how old, how old I will be?" She could barely say her words, panting for air between every couple words.

"How old?"

"THIS MANY!" She held up six fingers on her hands right into the camera, covering almost all of Nessas computer screen. Chloe had come into Nessas life when her dad started dating Sarah. Chloe was only a few months old at the time, and Nessa found there was a certain wonder to watching someone grow up.

"Wow! You are going to be so big!" As much as Nessa loved kids she was never great with them, though she tried her best.

"Hey, Chloe, I think you should go help mom with dinner now, she said she needs your help stirring the chilli." Dad pulled the small child back a bit to sit on his lap instead of practically on the table.

"OH YES! Bye Vanny! Tell Zo I said hi and also do your homework! Also tell your new job to give you 5 million trillion bajillion dollars! OK BYE!" She retreats, running off before Nessa can respond.

"Jack says hi by the way, he's out with rehearsal for the middle school play, he texted me," her dad says. Jack was 11 and even though he was a quiet kid, he was a different person when he was on stage, confident and proud.

"Oh yeah! How is this one going?" Vanessa loved hearing about her brother's theatre. Technically he was her step brother, but she felt like adding 'step' when talking about Jack and Chloe minimized how much she cared for them. They were siblings, and nobody could tell them otherwise.

"He got the lead this time, he's James, they are doing 'James and the Giant Peach' this year." Good, he worked hard, he deserved it.

"Well you will have to tell me when the show is so I can try to tune into a live stream or something." She paused, "So, are you sure it's ok if I take the job?" She did not want to abandon her family. She really wanted to take the job, but only if it was okay with them.

"Yes honey, of course it is, this job is what's best for you, and that is all we want for you. Your mother would be proud." He smiles. He called crinkles that formed at the sides of his eyes 'smile lines,' not wrinkles, because 'wrinkles are for old people, and I've still got some time in me before that title' . Even with age he radiated with youth.

"Thank you."

Thats all she could say before running to her backpack to grab the contract to sign it while still on call with her dad. Ready to tell him everything that she would do with this job, and how much she looked forward to it, and of course the healthy pay check.


The next day, first thing in the morning before she had class, Nessa walked into Nelson road with a pep in her step. She gave the signed contract to Rebecca Welton, the owner of the club, whose name she only properly learned 5 minutes beforehand. Ted was in the office as well, so happy she would be around more often.

"Well this is just wonderful Nessa! I can learn more about you, and you can help me out cause I know nothing bout this backwards sport." His smile was gentle and kind. His smile made her want to smile. "You know the other day, after I asked Rebecca to write out a contract for you. I was watching this documentary. It was about, you ever heard of the loc ness monster?"

The question caught Vanessa off guard, but his friendliness was disarming, a nice change.

"I have, sea monster living in Scotland, supposedly." Who hadn't heard about the loc ness monster?

"You know, they call the loc ness monster Nessie sometimes, and Nessie and Nessa, both in the same day, what a nice coincidence, don't ya think?" Just then, Rebecca cleared her throat,

"While I love the chatter, I need to get some work done, so how about you two go get acquainted elsewhere, yeah?" Rebecca was stoic, and tall, very tall. Ted agreed with some long winded reference and a southern accent. Then they went out into the hall. Ted walked Vanessa down to the door so she could get to her university class on time. He said many things on the way down, but one thing stuck out to her, just after she said goodbye, he opened the door her said,

"Welcome to the Richmond family Nessie."



I tried my best to write Chloe as accurate as possible to a hyperactive child, cause that's what she is. I work with kids so I drew from some of those experiences lol.

What might this job have in store for our wonderful MC? What else will come with her relationship with (uncle) Ted? What do you guys think about the new nickname? (This last one is rhetorical please don't say you don't like it haha)

Have a nice day guys!

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