Poet's Uncertainty

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After spending hours musing and picking the right words,

Some poets are still uncertain if their work will seem absurd.

They re-read, re-edit, fret and worry before they let others see,

Some worry more and panic now that their words are free.

What seemed to be a masterpiece is now just a mess,

This line needs another word, that line needs one less.

It had meaning when they published, now it makes no sense,

All the verbs that they used are incorrect in tense.

So they decide to rewrite it, normally that would be okay

But already many have read the piece and also had their say

Amazingly they like it, it is so very good, they all agree

But some poets have noticed faults their readers do not see.

They will have to make some changes, it just is not quite right,

They will tweak it and make alterations all through the night.

Re-edited and republished they leave an author's note:

Readers; I think it is better now please come back and vote!


Written by Vernicho ( 28 March 2013 )  Copyright ( All Rights Reserved )

A/N - I think I am happy with this, but may make changes as my mood shifts. That is a Poet's prerogative after all!!

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